Injustice and Justice / by kevin murray

There are on any given day a multitude of unjust decisions made on formal and informal levels, and the people making those unjust decisions know it, but still they do it, knowingly.  They do it, for a lot of reasons, one being that they do not have the courage to do the right thing, that is to say, for example, seeing someone that is suffering from racial baiting, in which there are others that are aware of it, but all fear to interfere with it, for they fear that they will suffer for their interference no matter how direct or indirect.  So too, there are laws on the books that are applied in unfair ways so that certain people are discriminated against, clearly demarking a society in which some are more "equal" than others, yet, those on the side of the line in which they benefit from such discrimination, are often afraid to voice their viewpoint, for they appreciate on some level the fact that they are treated better and with more privilege.  Then there are laws and societal norms which precludes being just to one's neighbor, because within that clique, within that societal norm, to do so, would bring dishonor to the family name, therefore that is not the way things are done, so hence you won't do the right thing.


The bottom line, though, is that there is never a time not to do the right thing, there is never a time not to do correct justice, there is never a time not to be fair, and there is never a time not to recognize that all mankind are created equally by our Creator.  For when we state that the time isn't right for justice, and that the time isn't right to be fair, we imply, or more than imply that when certain conditions are met, and these conditions always seem to be in flux, then, and only then, will we do right.  This type of thinking is corrupt, for either something is right, and it is right -- right now, or it is wrong right now, wrong in the first place, wrong forever, and wrong to keep doing.


The incomparable Theodore Parker stated that: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” The very reason that the arc of the moral universe is so long to begin with, is because mankind is so stubborn in providing justice to their fellow man.  Especially irksome, are do-gooders, which preach one thing, but practice another, stating to the oppressed people all over, that their time will come, but not now, as if justice for all, would upset the entire universe and make for a world that is worse than it is, already. 


The bottom line for politicians and the people that they represent is this, Constitutional government has been the law in America for over two hundred and twenty five years, through civil war, domestic disturbances, and other wars, and still justice is miles and miles away.  Clearly, those that run this country, those that are our legislatures, our executives, and our judges, do not and have not read or comprehended fully the Constitution of this country, nor the Declaration of Independence. For if they had, they would, for a certainty, do the very things, that would make this a country of the people, for the people, and by the people, with liberty and justice for all.