Right thoughts, right actions, right life / by kevin murray

There are times when we have to act on instinct, without much aforethought whatsoever, but in many events of our life, there is plenty of time or a sufficient amount of time to think before we act, and that thinking is of critical importance to our overall success and happiness in this life.  For instance, if in our mind, we do not have the correct thoughts, the correct mindset, or any good purposeful thought, it doesn't seem conceivable that our actions will come out very well.  In so many instances, the things that we do, are a reflection of the thoughts that we have, so that, those that can get or do get their thoughts in order to begin with, will have lives that are of more value for themselves as well as others on virtually every satisfaction level.


What are you thinking about right now?  The thoughts that you have, are your own, you are in control of them, you can discipline yourself to think the thoughts that you really feel are the most appropriate for your given situation.  As you think, so you will be, that is why it is so important to take control of your mind, so as to become the best person that you can be.  It is up to us to make the effort to be the masters of our own fate which is why we are gifted with free will and free thought, so that we can freely seek for ourselves the narrow path that will ultimately bring us the inner peace that we are intuitively seeking.


If you consistently do not have right thoughts, it isn't conceivable that your life will come out very right at all.  You cannot think one thing and ultimately be something completely different from what you do think.  However, don't get this confused with wish fulfillment, and things of that sort, because as you think, so too you must take the actions and make the effort to become what you have pictured in your mind.  First there is the thought, and then there is the actions and effort that must prove that the thought legitimately means something important to you.


It is to anybody's credit to those that have bad and incorrect thoughts that they do not act upon them, and as important, that they push those bad thoughts out of their mind by replacing them with good thoughts, instead.  There is an art to the act of thinking, and that art, like any good art worth pursuing, is a learned behavior, that we must apply ourselves to.


The responsibility for yourself and what you do and accomplish, rests at your feet.  The man that then desires to make good in his life, does so, by dedicating himself to doing the right thing and the foundation of those activities, is the thoughts that are in his mind.  There are far too many people that say one thing, but really mean another, or do another thing, but really want to do another, this sort of inconsistency will not end well, as when a man takes his own self, and divides it into two characters, or multiple characters, ultimately only confusion will reign.


If your thoughts are not consistent with who or what you want to be, you must endeavor to change your thoughts, today.  Ultimately, you are what you feed, and you are the master of the thoughts that you grow, prune, or weed out.  To become everything that you sincerely desire to be, think the right thoughts, from this you will enact right actions and it then follows that you will thereby live a right and righteous life.