In any country, in any situation, one needs to labor in order to secure the necessary things that a given individual requires, such as food, health, and shelter, with the only exceptions to this rule being those that are either too young to labor, too enfeeble to do so, or are mentally or physically handicapped. A look back at societies indicates that mankind historically existed either as a hunter/gatherer and/or utilized the land for agricultural and sustenance purposes. So too, mankind traded with partners strength-to-strength, worked together in small units with specific tasks assigned to able-body people, and so forth so as to maintain and enhance their family and community units.
Fast forward to the modern age, and things are vastly different in many substantial ways. For instance, land ownership and/or the rights to hunt or fish on communal property, along with the sovereignty of the individual should be foundational points for all individuals on this good earth, and not meant to be subverted or controlled by a select few so as to command and oppress the masses. That is to say, if one does not own the land that one resides and treads upon, and cannot hunt or fish without express permission from those that control the enforcing powers of a given state, as well as being restricted by that same state as to what they can or can't do with their body and with their mind, than those subjected people are for a certainty, exploited.
Further to the point, those that control the means of production, no matter what that production is, have within their DNA almost always, the strongest innate desire to see that all that would stand in their way, be crushed, so as to not become a competitor in any way, form, or manner. This means, that small-time and independent farmers, or small-time and individual livestock herders, or small-time agricultural and independent producers must be marginalized and undercut in order to be trivialized in the great marketplace of a given country. The massive players in all of these industries have consolidated for two basic reasons, of which one is to become more efficient and hence place themselves into a position that will make them good and sustainable profits, while the other is to drive out those that are independent by beating these small timers by price, by logistics, and by any other means that can be asserted.
The foregoing isn't meant as an object lesson for those that were small and independent to learn from, it is far more serious and diabolical than that, because the overarching aim is to not teach lessons, but to take these former independent operators, and make them subservient to the big operators, creating in form and function their new exploited labor force, that will work for the "man" as opposed to working for themselves. Even more callous for the common man, is that as machines and robots replace the laboring hands of man, this effectively means that the worth of that man in the labor force becomes appreciably less because his worth is now compared against the value and output of the machines and robots that have replaced him, in which those said machines and robots care not.
This labor force now becomes underutilized and consequently has little or no choice but to work wherever that they can, doing whatever that they can, at whatever price that they can sell their labor for, in which, in all things, the man that controls the capital and its resources, dictates to that labor the rules of the game.