Finding Truth / by kevin murray

In this fallen world, people like to play all sorts of mind games, such as asking "what is truth?"  The foregoing was rhetorically asked by Pilate to Jesus the Christ, to which Jesus had already stated that he "…came into the world to testify to the truth…."  The fact that Jesus came into this world to testify to the truth, would indicate, that our judicial standard of testimony to which we swear or affirm that what we testify to:  " will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," confirms the absolute importance of truth in conjunction with justice.  This also makes the important point that there is just one truth, so that therefore truth is objective, not subjective, as truth is forever unchanging and immutable, and that those that testify to truth, that live their lives in truth, are those that have clarity of both mind and spirit, and are the true adherents of good.


However, there are many people that believe that truth depends upon one's perspective or is socially conditioned, or is dependent upon all sorts of factors that differ from person to person, so that truth, in actuality or practicality can be different from person to person, as in the example, of the six blind men and the elephant, to which each person, touches upon the elephant at a different part of the elephant and thereby believes that the elephant to have a particular quality, which while truthful, isn't the entire truth, so that if it ended just there, this would imply that truth is indeed in the eye of the beholder. But remember, each of these men are blind, and further each of these blind men have only touched one particular part of the elephant, so in fact, they haven't had the opportunity to discover the whole truth, and therein lies the rub.


The fact that Jesus proclaimed that He was here to testify to the truth, should be a signal to each of us, that within our mission and purpose of life, we should have foremost in our minds, that we wish to discover the truth about life, about the meaning of life, about how we got here, why we are here, and the purpose of us being here.  If we do not search for those very things, it seems problematic, at best, that we will ever be able to utilize our time and resources in the most correct manner, because without a clear-headed goal, we will be unable to consistently walk forward nor will we ever discover, net alone walk the straight and narrow path.


The truth that we seek, is awaiting our discovery of it, this truth, does not change, and remains the same from age to age, from people to people, from civilization to civilization, because it is universal.  The fact that truth is universal and thereby available to all signifies that we can find truth, from wherever we are currently at, if only we sincerely desire to do so.  Truth is our master, and we are its disciples, and to be a good disciple we need to adhere to the principles of right living, which begins with the knowledge that a wrong cannot be the basis for a right, nor an untruth the basis for truth, but instead that there is One light, that illuminates all, and it is this Light that we must seek and by doing so we will become more loving, as well as kinder, peaceful, joyful, faithful, and yes, truthful.