You'll Never Walk Alone / by kevin murray


Every one of us wants to be loved, whether we express that openly or not.  Not only do we want to be loved, to which most often we seek that from our closest family members such as our spouse or siblings, or our children, but we ideally want that love to be unconditional and to be there for us especially in our darkest and most vulnerable moments.  You are a very fortunate person if you have that type of love from a fellow human being in this world, but for most of us, we know for a certainty that we fall short in our loving of others and not too unexpectedly the unconditional love and warmth that we desire deeply from others, has come up lacking for us at the most inopportune times.


One of the problems with love in this world, is that each one of has responsibilities, but not just responsibilities but multiple responsibilities, so that it just isn't possible to be everywhere at once, as you cannot be at your daughter's school event, at work, getting your oil changed, paying bills, consoling a friend, all at once, no matter how much you fancy yourself as a multi-tasker.  The very fact that you need your own rest, your own time, have obligations and that there is always something coming up that was unanticipated, means that inevitably there are going to be times when even if it is your deepest desire to be there for someone, you can't.  Not only that, there are going to be days when you cannot be the strong one, that it is you that needs love and consolation.  All of this combined means that the human experience to which you desire to be loved and to give love often falls well short of your ideals, even if you are absolutely focused on being the best that you can be.


This means that within all of us, there is a search for He who is always there for us, He who will be by our side 24/7, He who knows us so thoroughly, even better than we know ourselves, that doesn't prejudge us, doesn't smite us, and truly loves us unconditionally.  Not only that, He is our rock, and the very love that we desire to give, the very love that we desire to receive, is absolutely unlimited in Him.  Our relationship with God, is ours alone, and doesn't need to be shared because the complete God is everywhere and anywhere for everyone for all times, and our own access to God can only be disrupted by our own selfishness and non-engagement, and by nothing else. 


The beautiful thing is that with God, you will never truly walk alone, because God is there by your side, picking you up in your lowest moments, carrying you over the threshold as necessary, and never giving up on you, no matter how many times that you may stumble.  God has infinite patience, infinite love, and knows you in a way that He will never hurt you, even if you have railed and cursed at Him in your weakest moments of frustrated madness. Our Creator will never let you down, will never lead you astray, wants the best for you, and will leave the ninety-nine sheep to find that lost one, because God is never complete until all of his children, every single one of them has return to his fold, and thereby into his loving heart.  He will not rest, until that day comes, no matter how long, no matter how distance, because you complete Him, so recognize, no matter your circumstances, you never do walk alone.