America is considered to be a country founded along the lines of a Judeo-Christian heritage, of which the major religions that are true to this concept are Judaism, Christianity & Catholicism, and Islam, amongst all the other manifold denominations of these. If you didn't know any better, you might well think that because all of these religions and denominations come from the same general root and thereby all believe that there is just one monotheistic God, that there would be an abiding harmony and toleration within these religions and denominations, one to another. However, strange to say, some of the most vicious and blood thirsty fighting come from within a given religion, in which one denomination or sect attacks the other because of their differences in their respective beliefs and thereby each side believing that it alone, is legitimate, and thereby all others must be eradicated for polluting and harming their religion.
It is a sorry state of affairs, that rather than seeing the commonality of these religions, sects, and denominations in which the most central point is that there is just one God, who is omniscience, omnipotent, accessible and available to all, along with being the epitome of love, that professed believers get fixated on fighting over matters which often times come down to a corrupted belief which is if you don't believe in their particular tenets and faithfully adhere to them, than you are an infidel or nonbeliever, to which, by definition, those that fight with that particular understanding, have aggrandized unto themselves that they are fighting on behalf of God, and thereby all that they do has been sanctioned by God, no matter how extreme.
It is a shame that religious fights are almost exclusively political in nature, despite protests that they aren't, seldom for the true glory of God, but mainly so that one special people can put down all other peoples that don’t see things quite the same way, and thereby might triumphs over right. The fact of the matter is that those that believe in one God, must, in order to bring a lasting peace to this good earth, recognize that all life starts and ends with the one God. Each religion, sect, and denomination has its own prophets, saviors, and oracles, to which respect should be accorded to their wisdom, but blind obedience to those professing to interpret their words into action is never a wise idea.
There is one God, it is the exact, same God for everyone, to which this God is above all, knows all, and is all. The very first thing that mankind should do in recognition of the great might and wisdom of this one God, is to understand that we cannot comprehend our God's greatness without first emptying from our self, the limitations that preclude us from seeing God in all of God's infinite glory. The mistake that far too many people make is taking false prophets at their word, rather than recognizing that these so-called prophets are rife with inconsistencies, hatred, violence, duplicity, hypocrisy, and intolerance, which are not attributes of those that preach the Word, but of those that are its' very opposite.