Life is full of busybodies who are people that feel compelled to direct or to correct your life and life decisions, even when they don't really know you, don't care to know you, and are themselves of very doubtful wisdom or credibility. It's one thing for there to be a busybody in your life, to which, you can, as a matter of course, simply ignore them, or politely and simply walk away them, or even pretend that you are listening to them, and ultimately just go about your business as if they didn't exist. On the other hand, it is an entirely different thing to be dealing with a busybody, who has moral suasion over you, because it's your parent, or your boss, or what you consider to be your best friend, or the worst of the worst, the government.
The problem with the government, is that there is never anything that you can possibly do that will properly satiate or satisfy them, because the government is a ravenous beast and once they get a hold of your private life, they will, like a very bad virus, infect into everything. That is to say, if you need government benefits; and government agencies do have plenty of programs and benefits, there is a price that you have to pay, usually by completely exposing yourself, in regards to who and what you are; your criminal and arrest background, your past employment history, your medical records and mental state, your family history, your children's history, your history, your income, your assets, your address, your complete identity, your credit status, and so on and so forth. The government wants to know everything about you, not because it actually needs to, but in order to maximize their hold over you, because when the government knows everything about you and you know virtually little or nothing about what is going on behind the scenes about them, than you are in their power, and all this so that you can receive a token piece of something that will allow you to minimally function and live in society.
The government likes to sell you the illusion that they are special people, born to be your leaders and you are born to serve or to placate them, but in actuality, governments when broken down into little pieces, are in fact, made up of people like you and me. This signifies, that not only do we have a right, or more like an obligation, to know who our leaders are, but in point of fact, there are fundamental qualifications that our leaders should or must have, especially those that have massive powers and influence. That is to say, the character of those that wield power is absolutely a relevant aspect, of their legitimacy to hold that power in the first place.
It is fair to ask, that if a man cannot hold his own house in order, how is it even conceivable that he can run a community, a city, a State, a country, or the world. It is also fair to say, that if the background of a man is one of lies, deceits, double-dealing, corruption, and vindictive, than these are not the characteristics of a legitimate leader. This signifies that those that would run for the highest offices, if they are honorable people, should be the very first in line, to show complete transparency of who and what they are, it is, at the very least what they owe the people, that in theory, that they are supposed to be held accountable to.