Money and Power on their Collective High Horse / by kevin murray

In this country there are some people with plenty of money, so too there are some people with the right connections with the right people, as well as there being some people that are powerful in their ability to forge law and public policy, and then there are the other people.  It would be one thing entirely if these well-placed privileged people, simply kept to their selves and didn't interfere in the day to day operations of everyone else, but too often people who believed that there were either born with a silver spoon in their mouth or somehow have obtained one, are very interested in seeing that their viewpoint of what people should or shouldn't do should be the de facto viewpoint for everyone else.


This means, in effect, that there are a select few that want to lord it over everyone else, so that if the current belief, is that obesity in all cases is wrong, than obesity must be legislated out of existence, so too this goes for smoking, or drinking, or just about anything that these busybodies can come up with.  While it may be true, conveniently so, to be able to demonstrate that certain things are bad for you physically, or that certain behaviors or bad for you psychologically, the problem with this interference in other people's behavior is that those that are creating this intrusion are not doing it because they truly believe that it is the right thing to do, but because they want to be able to tell and thereby mandate what you do, period. 


These know-it-alls, that pound the tables that smoking is an unmitigated bad, that intemperate drinking is the inherent downfall of many a man, and that eating too much is catastrophic, will do everything within their power, of which they have a lot of, to see that you don't do any of those things, at least not easily, and in order to accomplish this mission, they propagandize, pass laws, create penalties, and enact regressive taxes to effect their vision about what is best for you.  While it is one thing to have a parent, express parental concern for their children, it is an entirely different thing when the government or certain special people dictate to you what you are or are not permitted to do especially when you are effectively "off the clock" so to speak.


For those that believe that smoking or drinking or eating certain foods are wrong, for reasons good or bad, but reasons just the same, than those people should do not do those very things.  It is entirely different thing, however, to take your belief and insist that a free man must submit to it, as if your belief, because it comes from you, is thereby always valid, whereas my belief, because it comes from me, is invalid. 


While to take a brotherly concern about someone else most definitely has its merits, it is pig-headed to insist that your brotherly way is the only way, the right way, and the only sensible way.  The thing is those that claim that they are looking out for our best interests are too often, doing nothing of the sort, they are simply and straightforwardly trying to dictate to everyone else that things should always be their way, because their way makes for a perfect little convenient life and fit for them, and consequently they just really want us to shut up, acknowledge their greatness, and subsequently dismiss our freedom of thought and actions as the disobedience that is never permitted in their twisted small world that brokers no dissent.