The Hazards of War / by kevin murray

It goes without saying that the rich have all the advantages in life in the first place, and certainly one of the most important advantages of being rich is to not have to hazard one's body in times of war, as it is certainly difficult to enjoy your money, or your daddy's money, if you are dead.  In America, we as a country have been obligated historically to enact conscriptions in times of war, but in recent times, the military of America, which is estimated to be about 1.5 million active soldiers, is completely voluntary.  That's great news for everybody in America, as those that volunteer to be in the military, have in theory, acted upon their innate desire to serve and/or to be a part of our military, and those that have not volunteered to be part of our military, in most cases, didn't have a real desire to do so.


In previous wars, such as our Civil war, World Wars I and II, the Korean and Vietnam wars, the draft was put into effect throughout the United States, to which, for instance, in the Civil war one could pay for a substitute to take their place on the field of battle and/or pay a commutation fee in order to avoid being drafted.  In modern times, directly paying a commutation fee is no longer permitted, so those that wished to avoid the draft would enroll in college so as to achieve a college deferment or get married, when drafting a married man was not permitted, and if those options weren't available, would try other avenues of less certainty or legality.


The thing is the rich and their progeny typically hate being drafted so by making the draft in a manner of speaking, egalitarian, it makes for the distinct possibility, that significant numbers of the very rich and powerful will not have a desire to support the war, and will in fact, especially if none of their riches come from war, put them often at cross purposes to the war.   That makes for a rather difficult political situation, especially when the war as advertised doesn't appear to have a very compelling reason why our American boys should have to go out and fight and die for whatever it is in the first place. 


This means, that politicians being practical people in all regards, should recognize that compelling rich and well-placed citizens to have to hazard their bodies at a young age in the field of battle, no matter how "soft" or "secure" their military position will be, isn't going to get an enthusiastic thumbs up from those people.  The rich believe that they are different and want to be treated differently, so that, politicians can either recognize that, or they can ignore it to their own destruction.  A far better solution, rather pathetic, considering that this is America, is to simply recognize the things as they really are, as opposed to our desires of how they should be, which is, that the whole point of being rich or on the path of material success, is not to have to hazard your life in some sort of obscure foreign war. 


This would indicate, rather clearly, that today, with plenty of foreign wars, and a future which will undoubtedly include more foreign wars by America, that the rich and successful have never had it so good, since our military is all voluntary.  This means, in effect, that the rich are exempt from having to hazard their bodies as well as to having to hazard their money, and subsequently in that type of situation, America will continue to be at perpetual war.


If America wants to substantially reduce its foreign incursions, it doesn’t need to return to a draft, although that would certainly accomplish the mission; what it does need to do, is to add on a tax for all the super-earners in America, including all corporations that earn super-profits, and call it the "combat security tax" applicable only to those making the really big money, as that is the least the rich should provide as tribute to the poor that fight their wars.