We read in Holy Scripture at John 18:10: "Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus," and we also read the response at Luke 22:51 which is: "And Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. And he touched his ear, and healed him…." In this situation, Jesus along with his disciples had spent the evening after Passover, in Gethsemane, and despite the Messiah's protests to his own charges to watch and to pray for and with Him, they were unable to do so, and fell asleep, directly indicating that their diligence, obedience, and concentration were sorely lacking. This disappointment, combined with the events that were about to commence weighed heaving on Jesus' mind, but He submitted himself to his Father's will, to which when betrayed by Judas with a kiss, leading to the abducting of Jesus, Peter impulsively struck off Malchus' ear in the futile defense of the savior, only to be rebuked by the Christ for having done so, and without hesitation, Jesus restored the ear of Malchus.
It was important that Jesus healed Malchus, for many reasons, to which one was to demonstrate that God's love is not one that is only given to those that surrender to His will, or believe in Him, but is freely available to all, just or unjust. Further to the point, God is master of all dimensions, be they physical, mental, or spiritual, to which as the King of Kings, came not to conquer those who opposed him by the sword, but instead to turn swords into plowshares, and to prove the point that it is the Spirit that trumps all, that the unseen is superior to the seen, and that true conquering requires surrender of your free will to God's impartial and pure wisdom.
Peter simply did not know when he struck the ear in the defense of his Master, nor did Peter comprehend, that the Passion Play was the foretold event, that had its players, and those players had their parts. If God was a vengeful God, raining down terror and destruction against those that would dare to oppose Him, than what of it, because even if God's children did obey, that obedience would rest almost solely on fear, and not on love. The mission of the Christ, was to demonstrate that the body, the self, the person, that for most people, means all and everything, is a grand deception, that instead the body is just the body, and therefore the body only has worth as long as contain within it, rests the soul of the individual, and that soul is indestructible, immortal, and connected to God, Himself.
Jesus healed the ear of Malchus, even at this hour of confusion and chaos, because to not do so would have undercut his mission of peace, forgiveness, and surrender. The overarching mission of the Christ was not to add to any man's misery, believer or not, but to aid man in his discovery or re-discovery that each of us, is truly made in the image of God, and that those that cannot see that image in each of our fellow men, are like the blind man who as his sight was being restored first saw his fellow man as akin to the images of trees walking around, before receiving his second healing and thereby seeing all with absolute clarity of vision.
The healing of Malchus ear, is a divine reminder that we need to listen to the voice of God, and to do so, requires the fine tuning of our ears as well as the conscious ignoring of the cacophony of superfluous sounds and distractions.