It's accepted practice that for good oral health and in order to maintain your teeth, bone density, and gums we should see a dentist twice a year. Yet, although everything that we eat and drink are done through our mouth, most everything that we consume has to be expelled, but virtually all medical doctors are not in favor of colon cleansing, colonics, enemas, or colon hydrotherapy, with the basic explanation that the colon self-cleanses and therefore there isn't any real need.
The thing about medical doctors is that they make it part of their mission, to fervently protect their own turf, and while it therefore makes sense that medical doctors do not have a lot of respect for non-medical persons to perform colon cleansing and the like, the question really is, why aren't there hardly any medical doctors that recommend that the colon should be cleaned out periodically in order to maintain good health.
The bottom line for medical doctors is that they believe that a regular colon cleaning is not necessary and further that colonics rather than helping to clean the colon of stool and similar, can in actuality, bring harm to the patient by virtue of the fact that the people performing such a thing aren't trained medical professionals and do not understand, or misunderstand, that their actions can irritate the colon, or make the patient suffer dehydration, and so forth.
You would think, given that particular concern by medical professionals, and because patients are seeing non-professionals to have their colon cleanse, that subsequently medical doctors and nurses might have a real interest in performing the type of things that you would, after all, normally seen done before a colonoscopy and thereby want to conduct a periodic pre-procedure purge of the colon for patients, so as to provide at a minimum, comfort to their charge, which at worse, would be something akin to prescribing a placebo to an anxious patient.
The fact of the matter is that medical doctors don't always get it right, and far too often, medical doctors follow groupthink, to which, no legitimate medical doctor wants or desires to get out of lockstep with the standard thoughts of the day. Yet, there is another way of looking at things, to which, medical doctors could say to themselves, if certain patients are concerned about their colon containing toxins or stool that needs to be cleansed so as to maintain good health, why don't we as medical professionals, provide that service?
After all, doctors make it clear that they recommend a colonoscopy for patients after they reach the age of 50, to which a given patient has to go through the rather uncomfortable procedure of basically induced diarrhea so as to completely empty the colon, whereas, perhaps a more mild procedure could be initiated to help cleanse out the colon that while not considered to be a colonoscopy would provide to the doctor valid information as to the general health of the colon and a comfort point for the patient.
Dentistry, itself, is of fairly recent vintage, and our oral health is appreciably better for it; it just seems sensible to at least consider the same in order to maintain a healthy colon.