We're heard the story of the Virgin Mary's immaculate conception so many times, that one has the tendency to just take it for granted, even though there are implications that are of immense importance to all of us, especially those of the faith. For instance, the Virgin Mary was espoused to the carpenter, Joseph, this meant that although their marriage was not yet consummated, that they were in the light of Jewish law, considered to be married. This is why we read in Matthew 1:18-19, that: "…When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily." This clearly signifies that in the eye of the law, that Joseph was the husband of Mary, which then brings to mind, if the child, Jesus, was from the Holy Ghost, whatever was the point of Mary being espoused to anyone, let alone a good, righteous man such as Joseph. To this it can be said, that this goes back to the story of Adam and Eve, and that the good Lord had already stated that: "…It is not good that the man should be alone…" indicating that in the natural order of things that the birth of any child, even one of divinity, should include one mother and one father, sincerely dedicated to each other, to the exclusion of all others, and further that the selection of Joseph was done to fulfill prophecy that the Messiah would be from the house of David.
Joseph was well aware that Mary was of special status, as she was a temple virgin, for the great honor and dignity of being the woman that would bring forth the Messiah, is not something that could be accomplished by anyone other than one that was dedicated to God, Himself, and further that Mary had previously proven herself as to being devout and of proper comportment while living within that temple. Joseph, himself, was also special, being a "just man", to which we read in Ecclesiastes 7:20 "For there is not a just man on earth who does good and does not sin," indicating distinctly how difficult it was to find a just man, yet Joseph was that just man. Further to this point, Joseph knew well the character of the Virgin Mary, and upon his receiving the news that his wife was with child, heard and obeyed the angel of the Lord, that their child was indeed conceived by the Holy Ghost, a charge that would seem absolutely preposterous to all but the strongest and wisest man.
It is well to remember that our God is master of it all, and when it came time to present Jesus to us on earth, he chose to bring his birth purposely through the virgin Mary who had dedicated her life to serving God, and further she was espoused to a just man, also of great merit, Joseph, to which both parents would be in unison the mother and father of the Christ. The Bible is clear that Jesus was not conceived through normal conception but came into this world as the new Adam, to redeem humankind from the madness and misconception that the material life is the only reality, whereas Jesus clearly demonstrated over and over again, that with God, all things are possible, and that therefore mankind limits itself when it cannot conceive that of whom we really are, which is surely not the physical temple which is temporal, but insteadshould embrace our real identity which is the eternal spirit within.
The Virgin Mary became the vessel for the deliverance of our savior, not from selfishness, greed, or material desires, but only because she surrendered herself wholly to God's infinite grace and wisdom and thereby was rewarded with the most precious gift that any mother could ever have.