The 1st Amendment makes clear that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion," which has not been violated by Congress, but has been violated by the Supreme Court, as the Supreme Court through its rulings in the modern age, has consistently taken the position as stated by Supreme Court Justice Tom Clark in 1965, that those that have a: " meaningful belief occupying in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by the God…" would be eligible to be classified as a conscientious objector which allows exemptions for those so qualified under: "religious training and belief." This, in a nutshell, and in effect, means that atheism, expressed in a certain way can be interpreted by the courts to be parallel in its "belief of unbelief" as to that of those that believe in God, and since the courts have erected "a wall of separation between Church and State", this has subsequently created a vacuum for atheism to be the de facto established religion of the United States, because atheism is the belief in the absence of God, which is not part and parcel of any Church belief.
This means, in effect, that every decision rendered against religion or precluding religion in the public square, on public property, public schools, in governmental policies and implementation, supports and abets irreligion, secular humanism, and specifically, atheism; because it is atheism which the Supreme Court now protects, establishes, and supports to the exclusion of all other religions within America. Atheism is the established religion of America because atheism is a form of religion which offers no symbols, offers no services, offers no edifices, offers no tribute, and does not behave in the traditional manner of churches or other common religious organizations, yet atheism is the protected established religion of America because it is effectively the law of the land and is subsequently allowed to practice its religion openly and without restriction as well as being essentially sanctioned by the United States Government, by virtue of the fact that atheistic belief negates all other overt religious symbols and services in the public square, making atheism the standard bearer of governmental policy.
If you do not believe in God or Gods, you are an atheist, and atheists, unlike other mainstream religions, are allowed to profess and proselytize their "belief of non-belief" without hindrance by the government. This signifies the seismic shift that the place of real belief in a Creator that gifted us all equally with inalienable rights has been thrown violently into the dustbin of history to be replaced by the belief, that man is his own god, or equivalent of, answerable to no one, except its fellow man, and that those that are in power, actively support this doctrine.
The religion of atheism is a most dangerous religion, because when you dismiss God, you also, by definition, dismiss moral law and truth, replaced instead by arbitrary law, or animal law, to which man has been reduced to just an intelligent beast, and left to do battle for the survival of the fittest. While this fits in perfectly well in this Darwinian age, it is a monstrous step back of the evolution and the advancement of mankind, to which true enlightenment has been shamefully counterfeited by the darkness of man's ignorance and his arrogance of false knowledge made into a new dogma of the prison of unbelief.