Obey the Law / by kevin murray

We are told to obey the law, but why, and who are these people or institutions telling us this in the first place?  Not too surprisingly, today those that tell us to obey the law, don't necessarily have our best interests in mind, as in actuality, they try to take man's law and make it equivalent to God's law or natural law, so that in effect, we will be subservient to the State and the State's law for the convenience and service to the State.  Additionally, there isn't anybody alive today that can actually obey all the laws on the books in the United States, as some of these laws are contradictory, subject to interpretation, or disjointed, to say the least.


While it makes sense in a civilized nation that citizens should obey the law, that law in order for it to be respected and obeyed, must be sensible, rational, equally applied, non-discriminatory and in accordance with God's law.  Too often, nations want to pass law after law after law as if the fact that more laws are passed, will make for a greater country and a sounder nation, when in fact, typically the result is simply to make more willful acts crimes, that aren't really crimes in the scheme of things, but are considered to be crimes in the eye of the State so as to pander to certain powerful segments of the State, and to place citizens in the uncomfortable position of being perpetually in a state of subservience to the State.


The foundation for good law must always come via a hierarchy to which at the very top of that pyramid is natural law.  Natural law is defined as: "a body of unchanging moral principles regarded as a basis for all human conduct."  It is important to understand that this definition of natural law emphasizes that this law consists of "unchanging moral principles", which is the very basis for good law.  All laws that change with the times, change with demographics, or political correctness, or whim, are not good laws, because they are forever changing depending upon how the wind is blowing, and thereby it is virtually impossible for the populace to obey the law, when the law itself, changes from administration to administration, from judge to judge, from legislature to legislature.  That isn't law.


In actuality, virtually all that we need to know about the law is contained within the Ten Commandments and/or the Two Commandments giving by the Christ: "…Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." (Matthew 22: 37-40).  Those that obey these Commandments, this law, so to speak, will find that they will obey the most meaningful law of all, God's revealed law.  Unfortunately, in today's' upside down justice system, by virtue of obeying these Commandments in good conscience, this could easily mean, in fact, does mean that you will undoubtedly come into conflict with arbitrary man's law.   


We are told by so many great men in history, such as Saint Augustine, that: "An unjust law is no law at all."  It is important to understand the real meaning of these words, because the true test for any man is whether or not he will obey natural law, despite the fear of dire consequences in this world for not doing so, and whether too he actually comprehends the words of our Declaration of Independence, that the people are empowered with: "… the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them."


The fact is when it comes to obeying the law, the only law to be obeyed must be in harmony, and in accordance with God's law or it is not a law that any good man needs respect.  God has gifted each of us with a mind and a free will, to do whatever that we want, to serve whomever that we desire; to which each day we can assert ourselves, obey or not obey, recognizing that it is always within our hands, within our will, to do what we ought.