Communism Part I / by kevin murray

Communism is a pathetic godless philosophy, a pitiful excuse for the State to aggrandize onto itself all powers against the people.  While, Marx may have believed that the Communist Manifesto was a brilliant piece of economic theory and writing, it was actually fatally flawed from its inception with a gross misunderstanding of revolutions and the human psyche.  The fact that anyone, that anyone at all, can believe that at any time, that the proletariat, that is the poor people of any nation, will rise up in unison to take control of industry and production in such a manner as to eliminate competition and instead to provide a world of cooperation and unity, to which all will share equally in the produce of their labor, is fanciful garbage.


The forgoing is not, however, the biggest error of communism, as nothing is worse in the inept communist manifesto than the fact that communism, does not acknowledge the existence of, let alone the omnipotence and omniscience of God.  This line of thinking, if you can even call it that, is the very thing that truly demonstrates the blind trying to lead the blind. 


If there is no God, than everything is permitted, which in functionally means exactly the opposite of what communism purports to want, which is a world of peaceful co-existence in which nothing is personally own and all that is created is shared with the population as a whole as needed.  While there certainly is a lot to be said positively about sharing, about harmony, and about recognizing the true ownership of anything, communism is not a philosophy which will successfully accomplish any of these things.


To change man, you must change his heart; and to change society, you must first change man.  The change that so many people clamor for starts with their own self and cannot be legislated or mandated into existence.  That change can only come from the recognition that there is one immutable God, that there is Truth, one Truth, and that there is justice, one justice.  For all those that do not recognize that these fundamental and inalienable rights are given to all men by the grace of God, theirs will always be a life without meaning and with little purpose.


Another problem with communism is that there are absolutely no true communistic States and never will be; there may be nations that purport to be communistic but on virtually any level, whatsoever, from the governance of such, from the equality of such, from the justice of such, they are all far, far removed from communism as envisioned by Marx and Engels.  The reason for this being so, is because it is often in man's nature to want to unjustly rule over others, to control others, to use others, and to dominate others, and if you do not believe in God or eternal justice, than there is absolutely nothing that will stop you and your cohorts from ever becoming satiated with all that you want at the expense of those that truly labor for it.


Any nation that does not recognize that each of its citizen's fundamental rights come from Almighty God and not via the State, will rue their foolishness and their castles built upon sand; as this deception foisted upon the people is an abomination that will enviably be answered when darkness faces Light.