The Hypocrisy of the Witness Protection Program / by kevin murray

Many, many people struggle on a day-to-day basis simply finding the means to consistently pay the bills and to keep their lives in order, so that despite the fact that they work hard, their livelihood and well being is in constant jeopardy, until the very day that they breathe their last.  In fact, it is estimated that about half of American citizens have zero net worth, to which the majority of these impoverished people, are good Americans, just trying to get a taste of the American dream.  On the other hand, there are murderers, embezzlers, drug dealers and other assorted criminals, that get to enjoy their lives on America's dime, with a new identity, no less, simply because they testified against notorious low-life degenerates.


While many people are aware that there is a Witness Protection program in America, what they may not recognize is that besides the fact that these members of crime organizations or similar get new identity papers, a new location, U.S. Marshall protection, subsidized housing, they also often receive supplemental payments that as reported by are "… on average of $60,000 per year."  Remember this very important point, these people that are getting "do-over's" are typically criminals themselves and/or part of criminal enterprises, yet they are getting a fresh leash on life, with all of the necessary ingredients to be successful, such as consistent monetary benefits, job training, new identity papers, at a new locale, whereas good citizens of the United States are treated as if they are the refuse of America.


The message that is clearly sent to the public is that crime most definitely pays, if you are willing to snitch on your fellow criminals.  The bottom line is that if you rat out your fellow crime-lord, America jurisprudence will protect you and reward you for having done so.  While it is claimed that these sorts of deals are necessary in order to convict criminals to whom without having the testimony of a former confidant, means that there isn't the means to convict someone, the truth of the matter is that this is faulty reasoning, and really just plain laziness or indifference on the law officer's part as there are myriad ways to penetrate and to unearth incriminating evidence without having to give up the company store to do so.  The thing is that people that are engaged in criminal enterprises don't have a lot of good options available to them when the pressure is on, so that, the American justice system does not need to provide them with witness protection, money, and significantly reduced incarceration or elimination of such to induce them to switch to the other side. 


The deal that is given to these particular criminals in exchange for their testimony is far too good for them and the benefit to America is far too small for the witness protection program to exist at all.  America should not be making deals with criminals which allows them to get off and to enjoy the good life at our expense, while good citizens that play by the rules, struggle each and every day.   This type of perverse reasoning is what is wrong with America today, as crime should not be rewarded by the State, it should, be punished for what it is.  Those that think that drying up the Witness Protection program, will somehow dry up criminals wanting to rat out other criminals in order to cut themselves a better deal when it comes to their particular punishment, don't understand human nature, because there are many men that will run to the American justice system, make whatever deal that they can make, when they believe that the alternative to them not doing so, is torture and/or death. 


America should not be in the business of rewarding those that would subvert its institutions, while ignoring those that don't.