In an era in which we should show more consideration for our environment and the resources that we use, the flushing of our toilets each and every time that we use them seems to be both a waste of water as well as adding to the overall burden and expense of sewage. While there is something quite valid to be said about sanitation and cleanliness, the mere fact that we choose not to flush every time that we urinate, especially in regards to toilets that are not typically available to guests, or other people roaming around the house, seems sensible, and except for the possible odor or staining issues, seems practical.
From an economic standpoint, the less water that your household uses, the less of an expense that you will have in paying your water bill, in addition, the less wastewater that you create, the more efficiently that you treat the environment, so that if you can overcome the possible issues of grossness or nastiness, the fact that you don't always flush after you urinate and/or make it policy to flush just once a day for your urination is beneficial both for your pocketbook as well as the environment.
The fact of the matter is that water is a resource, of which good and plentiful water is not always readily available to the public, as a significant amount of communities will have drought or drought-like conditions from time-to-time so that those that make adjustments in their lifestyle that really are relatively minor, should go ahead and do so, including when it comes to toilet habits.
Now it could be for certain people, that no matter how you address the issue, they simply find that each and every time that they urinate in the toilet, that they must flush, that is fine for what it is, somewhat understandable, so that perhaps while you may not be able to save water in that situation, perhaps there may be another area of savings that can be made that is agreeable to both parties.
The non-flushing of the toilet after urination, is one of those things that some people may never warm up to, unless under the most dire of circumstances, perhaps that is the way it should be, although logically one would expect to see some flexibility on the issue, such as, for instance, being able to urinate at night without flushing, and then upon the morning activities, taking care to flush at that time, as obviously a little bit of savings, beats absolutely no savings at all.
So the flushing of the toilet for urination, really comes down to individual and/or family preference, to which it must be added that the act of flushing really does use a resource, and that resource is neither free nor without capacity/maintenance upkeep or issues. This means that this is a reasonable issue to have a discussion on, to which, some will be more amendable to it, than others.