There is plenty of advertising thrown about that either states or implies that your diet has little or nothing to do with the condition of your facial skin, particularly in adolescence, when so many people are prone to developing acne. The thing is that your diet and acne most definitely have a correlation, we intuitively know this by virtue of the fact that diets that consist of a lot of refined carbohydrates and/or high sugar concentrations such as white bread and white pasta, most cereals and processed foods, candy bars, and most sodas, provide the body plenty of calories but also hits the body with insulin at a rapid rate which has a high correlation to weight gain, other physical ills, and the onset of diabetes over an extended period of time. This signifies that your diet most definitely has a material impact upon your body, which logically would include the human skin and your face.
Treatments to take care of acne via over-the-counter medicines and prescriptions are big business for the purveyors of such, to which, these treatments are typically and fundamentally treating the symptoms of acne but not the underlying cause with media often selling the canard that the development of acne is simply a rite of passage, whereas like many things in life, you as individual, have significantly more control of it, than you might at first imagine.
In America, too often we are taught that in order to correct things, we simply need to pop a pill, or slap on some ointment, and so forth, whereas a lot of times through good common sense, and the proper understanding of nutrition, hydration, and cleanliness we can do much more to aid ourselves rather than spending our hard-earned money on things that don't do all that much for us, except to deplete our funds.
The thing about acne is its prevalence amongst cultures that have "advanced" to the point where instead of eating whole grains, fruits, and protein such as in meat or fish, they have migrated to the eating of foods that have been processed for ease of transportation, shelf life, and consumption -- the attendant result is that the corresponding incidence of acne has gone up considerably. That is to say, studies have shown that in cultures in which the incidence of the westernization of the diet has not occurred, such as in the diet of the people on the island of Kitava, that there is no occurrence of acne, whatsoever.
The modernization of America has on the one hand eliminated deadly diseases such as bubonic plague, typhus, and malaria, whereas on the other hand we have seen an increase in heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, all of which are debilitating and/or the cause of death. Too often, we are under the wrong assumption that if something tastes good that it must be good, or at least, not bad for our body, but this is simply not true. What we consume into our body does make a difference to our overall health, and when going through adolescence and the massive hormonal changes of that age, it would be wise to recognize that our skin tone and our complexion correlate strongly with our diet, and that an improper balance has ramifications that include but are not limited to the onset of acne.