There is plenty of media play on climate change and global warming, which has little to do with actual climate change, and a lot to do with the distribution on monies spent on energy resources throughout the world, to which those in power want to change that dynamic. However, real climate change, the type of climate change that could kill you, set forth tsunami waves that will inundate low-lying land situated near the sea, block or distort sunlight from properly reaching the planet and thereby significantly reducing crop yields, as well as reducing visibility on land, sea, and air, in addition to lowering the overall ambient temperature for years, is not only very real, but has occurred on this planet on numerous occasions.
It is a volcanic eruption that sunk the legendary city of Atlantis, and utterly destroyed and annihilated the city of Pompeii, Italy in 79 AD. We read that according to "there are about 1500 volcanoes on land that are known to have been active, while the even larger number of submarine volcanoes is unknown." Additionally, the world population is not only at an all-time peak but never have so many lived so close to so many volcanoes' currently classified as active.
Planet earth is always in a state of change, most of us may not see that change, or recognize that change, but change is always happening, to which some of those changes are so imperceptible over extended periods of time, that it lulls us into a false sense of security. Yet, because volcano eruptions can occur and have occurred with very little foreknowledge, we must respect the fact that this violent release of magna, molten lava, and ash can easily bring a devastating and a long-lasting negative impact upon mankind.
You would think, therefore, from having seen the aftermath of the destruction and the devastating effect of volcanoes such as Mount Tambora in 1815, and Krakatoa in 1883, which had truly frightful consequences that those that clamor so much about their concern for climate change would want to actually put forth their efforts into more productive and meaningful areas such as "volcano control". The fact of the matter is that it is volcanoes, more than anything else other than actual nuclear weapons that are deployed, that will have the most meaningful and devastating impact in regards to climate, land mass, population, and starvation.
The thing about volcanoes is that it is only a matter of time before an especially large and destructive volcano erupts in such a manner that it would bring forth such worldwide destruction, cataclysm and chaos, that the world as we know it, would indescribably change, and that thereby it would not be any stretch of the imagination that even the great nation of the United States, would in far future years, be looked upon as a mythical land that once may or may not have even existed.
Most of us look upon the land mass that we stand upon and believe that this pretty much represents what planet earth is, and we are suitably impressed when we learn that mankind has drilled up to 7 long miles into the earth. The problem is, to drill to the center of the earth, if it could be done, would encompass a total of approximately 4,000 miles. This means that most of the earth's mass is beneath the earth's crust, to which states: "… the core of our Earth is actually hotter than the surface of the Sun."
The fact that there is so much heat and power beneath the earth's surface signifies that volcanic eruptions are exactly the type of thing that creates, changes, and destroys land masses as well as wrecking real global climate change.