We are fortunate to live in a country which recognizes the truth that each of its denizens are granted by their Creator the unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore, when we read in 2 Corinthians 3:17, "Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty,” we recognize that our Declaration on Independence echoes these very wise words. This means that the liberty that we seek, whether in this country or throughout the world and which may or may not be contained within our country's constitution of residency, will always without fail be found in the Spirit of the Lord. That is to say that the Truth that sets us free, is not in manmade laws and justice, which may or may not be honest and fair, nor in constitutional documents which may or may not be beneficial, but always and forever will be in our surrender and acknowledgment that those that live fully in God's good grace, that they will have ultimate liberty, because they are the ones that have been up to the mountaintop, and have seen the promise land and are one with the true glory of our Lord.
Those that are attuned with the Spirit of the Lord, are always free, no matter the injustices that they may suffer, no matter the wrongs that they live under, and no matter the misguided hatred addressed against them, because they recognize that with God, all things are possible, and those that live in His fullness, will have eternal life and taste the true freedom of a dimension to which love, justice, and truth reigns over all.
On the other hand, there are far too many people that believe that true freedom along with true liberty resides in the freedom to do whatever that you want to do, whenever that you feel like doing it, and however that you want to accomplish it, but that is neither freedom nor liberty, but is instead, a form of bondage. The problem with this type of thinking is that if you do whatever that you want to do, and another person does the same, these two false freedoms will inevitably meet one against the other, and when they do, conflict will arrive in which one party will adjudge that his freedom has been abridged, leading to a situation in which neither party will be satisfied, and neither will be free
True freedom, is the freedom to do what we ought to do, always, to which that wisdom and discipline can only come from living in the Spirit of the Lord. If we are one with God, than we will gladly and without hesitation, take whatever cup he gives us, because in our surrender to the power that is all power, lays both our salvation as well as our liberty. Through everything that we do, day by day, God, alone, will never forsake us; He will forever carry us, guide us, and help us, until we reach that destination that we know deep in our heart, is our eternal destiny.
The liberty that we seek, is in doing right by our fellow man, and every right deed that we do, liberates us from the delusion that ensnares us in the mistaken belief that this world is all that there is, and all that there ever will be, whereas mankind would be better served recognizing the Higher Truth, that this world is the proving ground for the next, a world without end, and with true justice and liberty for all.