America is a country founded on religious principles, to which we are reminded that each of us is born with inalienable rights, yet the way that today's western evolution is taught is at contradistinction to that mindset. That is to say, far too many scientists and far too many textbooks, take a certain perverse pleasure in describing how somehow living organisms originated from some primordial soup, which ultimately led to human life, itself. This theory is fundamentally flawed, however, on two very basic and important levels.
First, there is an old Latin saying, ex nihilo, which means "out of nothing", which signifies in its statement that you cannot create anything at any time from nothing, ever! For every cause there is a beginning, or if there was not a beginning, than that must mean it existed always and always will exist. Further, anytime that there is a beginning, than there must so too be an end, and by definition, that end would signify that what was there from the beginning had in its makings, its inevitable end.
While evolution is real in the sense that life evolved over time, through the adaptation to its environment, and through natural selection, to then from that statement believe that material life is all there ever was and all there ever will be is a falsehood of immense proportions. The propaganda that is spread so prevalently by so many people of such high intelligence, but apparently also of low common sense, is that somehow you can create consciousness out of nothing. Further to this point, there is a fundamental mistaken belief that evolution somehow proves God does not exist, to which, those that believe in such nonsense, miss the entire purpose of human life on this plane, completely.
Evolution can be looked upon as progress, with many a false step here or there, but over long extended periods of time, a relentless pursuit of adaptation that proves the adage that this world truly does represent the survival of the fittest. If the lower forms can adapt and evolve over time, why not then, would this law not hold true for mankind, itself?
In point of fact, evolution does hold true for mankind, to which man, has an innate desire to seek out truth and light. For scientists, this often seems to mean, and only means, a natural progression through natural laws, without the guidance of any Higher Being; but this type of thinking is a falsehood, because where does your consciousness come from; it cannot come from nothing, it cannot come from the evolution of mere material matter, it must come and does come from the breath of God, Himself.
Most die-hard evolutionists believe strongly that man is the measure of himself. This is a pathetic joke and hubris on man's part. The whole purpose of man's evolution on earth is to find his way back to God, while also lending a hand to his fellow man in so doing. None of this can be achieved without the ability to communicate, relate, and to understand the essence of one another. Those that believe that evolution is strictly a material process get caught up into a material world, a world that will entrap them and confuse them, and they will therefore never break free from the delusions of this world until such time that they come to recognize the avatars that have come upon this earth time and time again, are here even now, that state as simply and succinctly as possible, the purpose of evolution is to re-unite your true self with God, and that is all.