The State's only Fear is the Church / by kevin murray

In today's court we get bad law, bad decisions, and circuitous reasoning that have taken a country that was founded upon the solid ground of Christian principles, freedom of religion, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and has replaced it instead with a wall of separation between church and State. This is a policy that is anathema to the very meaning of America's Declaration of Independence, and diametrically opposed to the reasoning for our revolution in the first place.


What few people know is that the longest part of our Declaration of Independence is the specific list of grievances against the King of England, who was not only the highest civil authority in America at that time, but also the highest ecclesiastical authority for the Anglican Church in America.  That is why it was so important that in the fight for America's independence from Great Britain, that this revolution would take the scepter from the hand of arbitrary power and give it instead to the people of the land, so that their power was supreme within America, a power by the people, for the people, with representatives from the people, to assure that the government was of the people.


Our Declaration of Independence made it clear that our inherent rights come from our Creator, and not from the divine right of Kings, or from any other manmade governmental power.  Upon the founding of America, it was clearly recognized by the highest powers of this land, that this was a country that understood that it had been blessed by God himself, and that as George Washington stated: “religion and morality are the essential pillars of civil society.”


Fortunately, for America, our revolution was a success and through hard work, dedication, freedom, principles, and rule of law, America became the greatest and most powerful country in the entire world, a position to which it still holds today.  However, over a period of time, nefarious entities within America dedicated to power, lust, and mammon, came upon a basic truth, that the only thing keeping the people away from declaring their absolute obedience to the State was religion.  This meant that the State through legislation, judicial decisions, media and propaganda had to make every effort to wean away the public from believing in the efficacy of our Creator or even of God's necessity.  That, in fact, man is the measure of man, and that God, was a throwback to a different age, in which mankind was ignorant of his evolution from primordial slime to risen material man.


This prevailing interest by the highest forms of government within America is not just to increase profits and exploitation of mankind throughout the world, but has as its most abiding interest, to disengage God from its own citizenship.  In all situations, the powers-to-be that run this great nation do so with a basic understanding that they are vastly outnumbered by the people, so that there is always the fear of the people, uprising and throwing off their shackles and chains.  If, though, this is a material world, that there is no God, than the State can play off any hint of revolt, by providing as a matter of course all material comforts that the public needs, such as making sure that wine, bread, and circuses are provided in abundance to placate the people.  However, if the people believe that they do have eternal souls, that there is a Creator that watches over them and cares for them, their loyalty to the State may be questioned, and a subject that believes its obedience is best made to God, himself, is a subject that is capable of rebelling against the State, and receiving the just rewards for having done so.