Medical Doctors and their Legal Right to Kill You / by kevin murray

People have all sorts of fears, some sound, and some completely of their own making.  There is in many people a general fear of the unknown, and specifically for many people, a fear of the "undiscovered country"--that is death.  But if death was an unnatural order of things, completely against the laws of nature, we would not be surrounded with the endless cycle of birth, death, and re-birth, over and over again.  However, in the West, as so many have repudiated God, religion, and a belief in a soul, death has become something incredibly frightening, something to be feared, and if one in the natural previously could not control the time of one's death, perhaps there is comfort in knowing that, in today's world, that you most certainly can. 


In America, there are four States that have legalized assisted suicide, which thereby allows medical doctors to kill you, by you giving your consent, to do so, in those States.  Quite troubling, fundamentally, physicians in this country should not be allowed to legally, implicitly or not, court ruling or not, legislated or not, to take the life of their fellow citizens, as this not only degrades the meaning of what a physician should be about, which is the respect and sanctity of human life, but by virtue of any medical doctor taking the life of a patient, degenerates the entire profession, itself. 


If, physicians and citizens truly believe that to take the life of another human being, is a noble or dignified thing to do under certain circumstances, than this country should set aside a specialty just outside the medical field, to which those previously studying for medicine, can get a certain, specified designation, sanctioned by the State, that allows them to kill patients, subject to State oversight.  These learned people, perhaps might be called, Euthanasia Quietus practitioners, in which they would not under any circumstances be trained as a medical doctor with a medical degree, but they would instead be, specifically schooled just to kill people, who desire to be killed by the State, with dignity, and sanctioned as such.


The advantage of such a system, would be that you as a patient, would have far less to fear, when being attended to by a physician, since his highest obligation, would still be "…an active advocate for each patient's care and well-being," rather than being subverted into a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality, in which, whether feeling pressure by the State, by your physician, by your relatives, your conscience, the inconvenience, the pain, the medicine which addles you brain, or whatnot, somehow the conversation turns to,  you "voluntarily" desiring to relinquish your life, and the physician merely nodding his head, and indicating, that he would be delighted to make that service available for you.


While States such as Oregon might feel, that their suicide legislation as written is clear-cut, and that their mercy killing of individuals with dignity act, is the height of some sort of convoluted humane act of justice, it is nothing of the sort.  Basically, it's exactly the opposite of its so-called intent, and will in its effect, invariably lead to carte blanche State sanctioned killing of individuals, starting with the weak, the defenseless, the feeble, and the old, and ending with truth, liberty, and justice.