In today's world, medical doctors can perform all sorts of successful surgeries through their skills, knowledge, and powerful medicinal drugs, but just because something can be done, does not necessarily mean that it should be done. To the point, elective sex-changing surgery, especially for those that are not of legal age, should be carefully looked at and monitored in such a fashion so as to hold accountable, those that are responsible for making such decisions, which once made, have consequences which cannot easily or ever be undone.
We live in a world to which every generation has had a certain small percentage of people that identify their sexual orientation more closely with the sex that they are not biologically part of. This isn't that unusual, for some people it can come about by parents that were hoping for one sex for their child, but received the opposite, yet decided to bring up the child as if the child was the opposite sex. For others, it is just a phase that they go through during adolescence or even beyond, where they are trying to identify themselves, and experiment with clothing or makeup or pretending to be something that they biologically are not, and over a period of time, they typically grow out of this phase. Then there are still others that are adamant that they are a female, even though biologically they are male, and they cannot get that concept out of their mind.
For better or for worse, it has never been easier to "transition" from one sex to another, but do so, is still not an easy process, as it involves, psychological counseling, hormone therapy, testosterone or estrogen as the case might be, and for younger patients, puberty-blocking medication. All of this, over and above the actual surgery itself or the money involved, have consequences to anybody's body, and the younger that the patient is, the more serious the ramifications of taking these medications can be physically, emotionally, and psychologically. The fact that teenagers that are not yet of legal age are even eligible for this type of intensive life-changing surgery is deeply disturbing because most teenagers of that age do not yet have the capacity or the wisdom to understand the consequences of such a decision, nor do medical staffs, themselves, have the data to know all of the possible ramifications or consequences of doing so.
Through it all, one very basic thing is missing, and that is a lack of understanding why anyone would insist upon being of a different sex in the first place. While those requesting such an operation have their viewpoint, as do medical staff and other professionals, they all seem to be missing the boat completely. If you study nature, you will see that nature is an endless litany of birth, death, and re-birth, over and over again. So too this is true for humans, however, we are taught in Genesis 1:27 that: "God created man in His own image…" That image that is created from God's mind is not a physical image, but is instead our immortal soul, which when it chooses to incarnate here on earth, has the choice of being either male or female. So that, if one then through interminable cycles consistently incarnates as a female, life after life, and then suddenly decides, without proper cosmic attunement, to become a male, it then comes as no surprise that having done so, that that individual, will possibly have a hard time adjusting to this new sexual identification.
This then is the real nub of the matter, our over-identification of the physical to the detriment of the spiritual.