411: Directory Assistance / by kevin murray

There are things that use to be free and that are no longer free, then too there are things that use to be free but are only free for a limited amount of time or usage, and then there are things that use to be free, that now have alternatives that are also free.  In regards to 411, directory assistance calls, made by your house phone, or cell phone, or prepaid phone, or cable phone, or VOID phone, there often isn't any consistency as to whether these calls to 411 are free or are not free.  Where there is consistency is that when you are charged for a 411 call, whether you dialed it on purpose, accidently, or even actually talked to anyone on the other end to get information, is that you will be charged/billed $1.99 for each one of these calls, without any warning of this impending charge while the call is in process.


While one can understand that the entity processing the directory assistance call, wants to make money to cover its costs and whatnot, from a fairness to the consumer perspective, that charge should be brought up at the beginning of the call, so that the person making the 411 call, can opt out should they desire to do so.  In point of fact, there are many people who are ignorant that a 411 call, costs money, and with knowledge of this material fact, they would find alternatives to dialing 411, such as using the internet, or other toll free numbers to directory assistance that are advertiser sponsored.


To make matters worse, phone plans that are prepaid such as magic Jack or prepaid cell phones, should never as a policy charge their subscribers for a 411 call without a warning, mainly because as a prepaid subscriber, that payment for the specific usage of that phone and data has already been made.  However, on the prepaid cell phone that I have, not only is there an app with the 411 icon, you will, even if accidently dialing 411 or accidently touch the app, be charged $1.99 which will be added to your balance owing for the next month of usage of your prepaid cell phone. 


While it is one thing to purposely dial 411 and actually receive information in return, it is entirely another thing to accidently dial 411, talk to nobody, accomplish nothing, and to be charged as if you have received something of worth.  Further to the point, even if you talk to directory assistance, if the information that is provided to you is incorrect or wrong, you should not be charged for that "assistance", but you are charged anyway.


In most marketplaces, free things crowd out those that charge for essentially the same service, but 411 and their $1.99 charges are still going gang-busters, mainly because they take advantage of people's general ignorance and/or laziness, as well as the price being low enough so that it is a nuisance but not high enough to raise most people's ire, and further that they are permitted to charge the other person's phone without that person's full consent.


In fairness to the consumer, 411 calls should not be charged if there has not been a warning given that the call will generate a user fee, as well as the 411 call must also provide something of value to the consumer in order for a payment for such service to be considered fair.