Population Control / by kevin murray

In America, adults do have the freedom to procreate, although the State for the most part sends out a clear signal that pregnancy is something that is within your bodily control and therefore you should take appropriate steps to control it, and if not, the State wants to help you to do so.  For instance, the State spends an inordinate amount of time and resources making readily available to citizens' its wide array of birth control aids, of which Americans have quite a few choices and options, to which the State hopes that one of these aids you might avail yourself of.  Additionally, abortion is legal in America, subject to certain rules and regulations; and with proper ID, morning after birth control or emergency contraception pills are also available to females which can be readily obtained from any major drugstore.  The result, even without a specific State mandated population control policy, is that procreation in America has dramatically dropped over the years, so that the birthrate in America has come down considerably from previous generations, filling one desirable goal of the State.


However much that you like to think the opposite, the fact of the matter is the State hates the concept that all should have an equal right to procreate as much as they so desire and all of this occurring without exceptions or restrictions.  In fact, it's quite fair to say, that without the religious influence that believes strongly in marriage along with valuing family life and the fruits of such, that the State would have a far more baleful influence than it already has in regards to family planning and procreation within America.  Fortunately, whether you agree or identify totally with a particular religious persuasion or not, the impact of those of faith impacts strongly how population control and procreation freedom is dealt with within this country.


While every country needs its citizenry in aggregate to have a desire to at a minimum maintain its population base and/or to grow it at a rate that is sustainable within the country, most every State wants to have a say as to what people are the chosen ones to reproduce at a higher rate than others. As demonstrative proof of this, hear Supreme Court Justice, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., as he rendered his argument on the winning side in regards to whether the State could enact compulsory sterilization that: "… Three generations of Imbeciles are enough”


For some people, the inability to conceive is unbearable and also devastating to them and for their quality of life.  Additionally, for others, their capability to conceive was wrongly taken away from them by the State, itself, by means of forced sterilization, sanctioned by State agencies.  The State most definitely wants to control and to influence which segments of our population in general are encouraged to have children and which are actively discouraged from doing so. 


The battle between the State and the freedom of the people is an ongoing battle, to which the State has access to an endless array of resources that helps enable them to press forward their desires, yet, the people in whole, through it all, have remained resolute and unbowed.