Virtually every person is aware of to one degree or another, of the Great Pyramid and other lesser pyramids in Egypt, as the Great Pyramid of Giza is after all, the only structure that currently exists that is also part of the master list of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Impressive as that is, we read at that: "Despite the towering reputation of Egypt’s Great Pyramids at Giza, the Americas actually contain more pyramid structures than the rest of the planet combined." This means, that right here in the Americas, we are surrounded by pyramids, of great importance, that still exist to this day, to which the most famous of them is the Pyramid of the Sun which resides with its sister Pyramid the Pyramid of the Moon in the ancient city of Teotihuacan, Mexico. The Sun Pyramid has dimensions of 733 feet across and 246 feet high, making it a truly massive structure, that was believed to have been created around 100 AD and finished perhaps around 200 AD.
As with all pyramids, the first question, is not so much why, but how? How was it that this pyramid was built in an age to which it is assumed that humanity was far less advanced, lacking in tools as well as basic engineering knowledge that a pyramid of this size and scope could even be conceived, let alone successfully built, that not even the sands of time has truly diminished it? Although the Aztecs are generally given credit for discovering the Pyramid of the Sun, historians today, are unsure of what society or what people even created it, although it has been estimated that at its peak, the city of Teotihuacan had a population of 125,000-200,000 people.
The fact that so many pyramids were built in the Americas would imply that the same knowledge and knowhow that was displayed in Egypt, was available to the Americas. Further to this point, while many people want to believe that the evolution of mankind is a slow and steady process, to which each respective generation learns from previous generations, as we evolve into a more civil and intelligent species, pyramids and marvelous things of this sort, stick out like a sore thumb, as demonstrative proof, that rather than civilization following a straight path to enlightenment, mankind instead both grows and falls, with mastery gain and then lost, only to be re-discovered as if for the very first time.
The Pyramid of the Sun stands as proof positive that it is only through man's own hubris, and self-destructive tendencies, that we are unable to grasp that indeed there is nothing new under the sun. The builders of these great pyramids understood well that they were subservient to a Higher Power and these pyramids are testimony to that knowledge. These pyramids were sacred sites, ones of initiation, prayer, and devotion, not made by the hands of ignorant and superstitious fools, but of those directed by an inner light, that created both the vision behind the pyramid but so too the wherewithal to successful build such.
We are told by that: "The Pyramid of the Sun … the Temple of the Moon, …are in the same layout as Orion’s Belt." Further that: "Archaeologists have found large quantities of Mica at Teotihuacan…" this in a country that has no native mica whatsoever, a mineral that is known for its properties of being able to withstand high temperatures and voltage because of its innate dielectric strength.
While the structure of a pyramid can represent many things, such as the representation at its pinnacle as of the all-seeing eye of God, so too it represents in its shape that of e pluribus Unum, or out of many, One.