You cannot hide from God / by kevin murray

We are use to talking to people through words, verbal as well as written, but communication between one to another often times encompasses many more things than just the words themselves, such as: the tone of our voice, the exaggeration of our words or actions, exclamation marks, our body language and our disposition and so on.  Good communication can become a problem because some people will tell us one thing with their words, but the intent that they want to get across is nearly the opposite, such as “you don’t care about me,” to which the translation may well be that “you don’t care about me in the manner that I desire you to,” and so forth.


When it comes to God, however, there is absolutely nothing lost in the translation, in fact, God knows you to your very being, to your very soul, much more so than you think that you know yourself.  Further to this point, while in the material world you can fool some of the people some of the time, and most of the people most of the time, you cannot fool God at any time, ever.  The knowledge of this fact should be disturbing for some people, because they rightly fear that the foundation of the lies and deceits that their life has constructed may will ultimately become their eternal prison to extricate themselves from.


The fact that you cannot hide from your Lord, and further that you cannot keep any secrets from Him, should be a source of comfort for most people, because this makes your Heavenly Father, your Father confessor, your Spiritual Guide, and your rock to build good character from.  The fundamental difference between God and fallen man, is that although your Creator knows you through and through, for instance, He knows all your weaknesses and all your foibles, He is ever there to help you, to guide you, to aid you, and always with your best interests in mind, whereas even your best earthly friend, could turn on you; God will not.


It must be said that you are never alone, not even in your darkest moments.  You are never forsaken, you are never forgotten, and you are never unloved, because no matter where you are, no matter what you are, you are loved, no matter what.  While some needlessly fear that God will annihilate them for what they have done or thought this simply is not the case, nor will it ever be the case.  Too often we attribute male characteristics to our God, and not often enough do we attribute female characteristics to our God and thereby it certainly behooves us to conceive of our Lord as our eternal protecting Mother, and we are Her children, so that no matter how we behave, our loving Divine Mother will nurture us, and perhaps sometimes scold us for our own good, but She will always wish the best for us, always knowing that through our trials and errors that one day, we will do right by Her, and that day will come for all of us, without exception.


Every day our Divine Mother watches over us, with a smile on Her face, knowing, even if we don’t, that whatever pleasures or miseries that we have here on earth, are transient, but her Love for us is not.  Hebrews 4:13 says: “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight…”  God knows us all, from the beginning to the end, She is that eternal Light, ever vigilant, our new Colossus, beckoning us to the lamp of all lamps and entrance through the golden door.