The Supreme Court and the destruction of our Judeo-Christian Heritage / by kevin murray

The Federal Supreme court is the highest judicial body of the land, to which the nine justices, have the privilege of deciding what is and what is not Constitutional law in this country.  This means that their rulings whether right or wrong, are effectively treated as lawful, often times superseding State or local law, and any of those people that disobey implicitly or explicitly the Court's rulings will be liable to the full force of law.  Because all humans are fallible, the Supreme Court justices do make error in law, and have done so since the inception of the Supreme Court and will continue to do so as long as this remains a Constitutional country.   Additionally, the prejudices, the mores, the background, the politics, and the actual appointments of Supreme Court justices themselves most definitely impacts what is and what is not made to be the majority opinion, so that it is an absolute truism that the supreme law of the land is absolutely contingent upon the makeup of the Supreme Court itself.


The First Amendment is an important amendment to our Constitution, which somehow seems to be manipulated to favor whatever decision a court wants it to favor.  The First Amendment clearly states that the Federal government is prohibited in establishing a designated religion, which has been construed to mean in recent history that essentially prayer, the Bible, Christian and other religious professions of faith, have no part in public educational schools as well as other public or governmental forums.  Instead, the Supreme Court would have one believe that the creation of America, its founding, and its Constitution, was secular in nature, and that the intention of our Founding Fathers from day one, was that there should be a wall of separation of church and state, and that thereby each of these institutions should not interfere with the other.  The thing is, most reasonable people would see prayer, and the learning and cultivation of scripture as part of a sound moral foundation which aids in the necessary good character development an individual needs, understanding well that the absence of God would entail the issue as Dostoevsky wrote:  "If God does not exist, everything is permitted." 


The Government and the Supreme Court are absolutely determined to do everything within their power to knock down the foundation of our Judeo-Christian heritage and to replace with Federal power, secularism, atheism as the authorized federal religion, and governmental paramilitary and police forces to control the masses.  This means that the primary reason for the Supreme Court to rule against God and prayer, so as to create a secular state in purpose, laws, and function, is so that the common citizen would now no longer see God as their liberator, protector, and savior, but instead they would now see the Federal Government and its entire apparatus as their rightful benefactor.


God and State are forever at odds, to which the State, so often, takes on the guise of liberator, but in fact, is the annihilator of human liberty.  America was created with the knowledge that our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness were our rights as given to us by God, Himself.  Today's Supreme Court, and today's Federal Government, wants instead to erase any vestige of that past; why else, would they fear something as innocuous, for example, as a desire by an individual or a group of individuals or a school to pay homage to He who created it all.