It doesn't matter what your religious belief or faith is, or whether you consciously have faith in a higher being or not, or where you were born, because in all circumstances for everyone, in every case, there are guardian angels that are there with us, to comfort us, to guide us, and to succor us. This does not mean that guardian angels run our lives, our make our decisions, or rule the world, because God has gifted each one of us with free will and that therefore we are not automatons, so that our free will, our decisions, truly trumps all. However, God, out of his great love for us, never abandons us alone to our own devices, instead he sends out to each of us guardian angels, that help to guide us and in truly exceptional cases directly come to our aid.
For many people, there is a suspension of disbelief that any unearthly power at any time could possibly influence or be a part of our lives, but that is simply because their vision is trapped within the deception that all there ever is -- is physical. The best way to look upon our guardian angels is to equate them to a great teacher or to our loving parents. The fact of the matter is our earthly parents cannot be with us 24/7, yet, they truly want us to be protected by them at all times, whereas our guardian angels have no distractions, and have no need for sleep or rest, so that they can monitor and aid us at any time of the day.
Your conscious mind can drive away the voice of your guardian angels at any time, at any juncture, but often you will feel the tugging of conscience at yourself for having done so. An even easier way to push aside your guardian angels is to enslave yourself to substance abuse, so as to drown out their voices, or to give in to temper tantrums, or to your ego, or to selfishness in such a manner as to ignore voices of reason and love. Man, ever can walk away from light, even to his own destruction, as that is the nature of man's law.
Each of us has a purpose here on earth and our guardian angels are forever assisting us in trying to maintain and to achieve our objectives, as they wish for nothing more than to see us successful in our endeavors. The best way to listen to your guardian angel is through calmness and the incumbent desire for their infinite wisdom, as their voices are never silent; we only have to truly open ourselves to hear their words and to act upon them.
There are too extraordinary situations where guardian angels will save you from physical damage or harm, often without you being consciously aware of it, as it actually happens, but only upon quiet reflection will their actions begin to be felt deep within your being. A guardian angel can do nothing for he who would jump off a high cliff, with the mistaken belief that God will catch him; whereas, for someone through happenstance, should stumble by a high cliff in such a manner as to bring the possibility of great physical harm, may find themselves saved at the last moment by a branch that just happens to be in the right place at the right time.
Our guardian angels are ever with us, never judging us, and are reflections of God's unceasing and unyielding love for those that He created in His image.