Christ: To Be or Not to Be / by kevin murray

However that you view Jesus the Christ, rather as a charlatan or fake, as a mythical figure, the incarnate Son of the living God, a great prophet, the Messiah, or perhaps He who had Oneness with the Christ spirit, there can be little or no doubt that the Christ was at a minimum, a special man of immense importance not only for His time in history, but clearly with historical and present day implications unequaled by any other man.  If your life on earth, was set aside for nothing more than the intensive studying and for the edification of who, what, and how Jesus was the Christ, your life would definitely not have been lived in vain, because the value and the Truth that Christ brought to us, is unparalleled.


Yet, there is something troubling about this King of Kings, and the most troubling aspect for most people, is the physical and the ignominious death of the Christ.  The crucifixion of Christ seems to be wrong in all of its aspects, yet, we are taught that this is not so.  At the time of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, we read in Luke 22:44: "And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground."  This Biblical passage is disturbing, because it implies that within the Christ there is conflict, as if even the Christ is unsure or not welcoming the completion of his mission to become the sacrificial lamb for mankind.  We know through many other passages that Christ could foresee the future, so it is understandable that our Christ would be disturbed to know that he must suffer from the desertion of his closest adherents, as well as the duplicity of Judas Iscariot, the scourging and beating of his body, the deep disappointment that the public wished to see Barabbas freed rather than Himself, the Sadducees and the Pharisees actively wishing for His harm and death, and the judgment of the Roman authorities that He would be put to death by the ignoble means of crucifixion, and later at the point of his physical death, Christ would believe for at least a moment that God had unjustly abandoned Him.  Within all of these future events, however, Christ had the power, Christ had the authority, Christ had the strength, to overcome them all, yet He did not. 


Jesus the Christ was given a mission here on earth, a mission that scripture had already recorded before His birth, a mission that He was already aware of, knew of, was part of, and was prepared for.  Yet within that all, like any human, there was an honest questioning, as to whether this path had to be the path, the only path, the right path, and it was.  While the message of Christ was manifold, encompassing so very many mysteries, His physical death on Good Friday, was necessary to send the message to all of mankind that the justice that you seek cannot be found here, and never will be.  Further, that if all we ever are is the physical, than crucifixion of the Christ, is the end of the story, and will be the end of the story for all physical beings.  However, the true message of our Christ, the everlasting message that He sent to all of us, is that He has overcome the world, as you can too can overcome the world, because His resurrection on Easter Sunday, demonstrated once and for all, that the Spirit is the master of the physical, that we are both eternal as well as spiritual, and that the death on the physical plane rebirths us on the spiritual plane.  Further to this, that within each of us is the Kingdom of God that will not be denied to us, if we earnestly pray for it and surrenders ourselves to our loving God.