The Elimination of the Male Gender / by kevin murray

Artificial insemination is a fact of life when it comes to our most common barnyard animals, as artificial insemination allows the owner of the livestock much better control of that offspring in the sense of quality, and in the actual results meeting with desired expectations.  Of course, barnyard animals are not human beings, but in recent years, more and more human beings have been born through the steps of artificial insemination, which means, by definition, that the creation of that child was accomplished without sexual intercourse by the woman with someone of the male gender.  Additionally, it is the male sperm itself that determines whether a given child will be either male or female, to which through advanced scientific techniques the skill in sperm sorting so as to separate the "X" (female) chromosomes from the "Y" (male) chromosomes can be accomplished with impressively high success rates; as well as through other scientific tools the overall control of the gender desired by the recipient can readily be accomplished.  This means that in the order of things, instead of a very slight bias for male births in the human species, mankind now has within its means the ability to increase or to decrease those sex ratios enormously.


Since, in fact, for the most part this is a world that is dominated In power and wealth by men, one might come to the reasonable conclusion, that recent male births will have increased significantly, which it has, in countries such as China, that have been ruled by the mandate of a one child policy, to which many parents have been absolutely determined that that one child, must be male, for the basic reason that a male child will better afford those parents a more reasonable chance of being provided material aid than a female child.  This does not mean, however, that this bias for male births will always be the preference, as one could easily make the argument, that in countries to which the economic opportunities for females are nearly equal to those of males, that the pre-selection of a female would be a far better choice, since females are more inclined to be less violent, less criminally oriented, better educated, and better social creatures than males.


Additionally, in today's word, in order for a child to be birthed, one need only to have a viable sperm donation from a man, and no other direct contribution.  A woman, on the other hand, has the natural incubator for a child, her womb, and while it may be true, that in some future time, that artificial wombs might be viable for human births, it is hard to picture that as being the normal or preferred method of birthing throughout the entire world, for various reasons, amongst these being cost, moral and religious grounds, governmental or institutional control, and so on.  On the other hand, artificial insemination of a female is viable, effective, portable, and scalable worldwide.


In short, this means, that mankind has reached an intriguing tipping point, and there is not a little doubt, that the ratio of males to female births will change from its historic norms, and while most pundits might believe that the ratio will clearly be one of more males to females, one might easily argue, that in a world to which it is often said that there are not enough resources to go around, to which men have often been quick to take up the sword to take and to conquer, that a more feminine spin might make for a more benevolent and caring world.