There are plenty of Americans that complain about immigration, in particular illegal immigration, usually because they claim that immigrants take away jobs from native-born Americans and further that illegal aliens are able to avail themselves of the generosity of our welfare state. While there is some merit in their argument, especially in regards to the welfare state, their general complaint suffers from an inability to understand that we do not live within a stagnant economic pie, that is permanently fixed in both size and benefits, to which if we did, their complaints about immigration would be valid. The fact of the matter is that we do not live in a zero-sum society, that our prosperity is only limited by our imagination, our work ethics, our efficiency, and yes, somewhat unfortunately, the availability of ready capital. Still, I am sympathetic to those that are struggling in their employment, and typically slash out at the most readily accessible target, immigrants, but I do believe that their anger is misplaced.
The thing is that America is the biggest economic force that the world has ever seen, to which there is no continent, and probably no country, that is not impacted or affected by some degree by what America does. For those that are so fortunate as to have been born in this great nation, you are in the fortuitous situation of being right where the real money is at. However, unfortunately, in today's modern society, something tragic has happened to the core of America, specifically its middle class, and subsequently their wages, along with their opportunities have often stagnated over recent years. Additionally, America's "war on poverty" looks to be in a permanent standstill, unable to improve millions upon millions of American's lives, despite billions upon billions of dollars being set aside to do this very thing.
The highest percentage of the largest multi-national corporations in the world, are based right here in America, but the priorities of this behemoths has changed to such an extent, thatit truly can be stated, that they are "American" only in the sense to which that is their legal home of residence for financial purposes. Somewhat disturbingly, wHowqeHowwwhen it comes to the employment of the people needed to service, sell, and make their products and wares, a significant portion of companies that we consider to be American, have done their country wrong, by deliberately outsourcing millions of jobs overseas. This means that jobs that could easily and readily be performed right here in America, have been exported overseas, primarily because of the savings in wages, tax benefits, labor and factory concessions, or similar. So, in short, while many complain vociferously about illegal immigrants in America, at least those immigrants are providing services to Americans on American soil, while also spending their monies earned here, primarily in America. Whereas, for jobs that are outsourced, that money is leaving America to provide foreign employment in foreign countries, and any monies being repatriated to America, are for the most part, going into the pockets of the 1% of the 1%, and not you and me.
The outsourcing of American jobs, such as all aspects of customer service, manufacturing, data entry, and pretty much anything that you might possible imagine, is done primarily to increase profits for said Multi-national Corporation at primarily the expense of the American worker. This means that the multi-national corporations are able to make extra money hand over fist, while sticking the government of America with the responsibility of taking care of the American public that has been left behind.