There are way too many pundits that try to impress upon the general public today, that in America, there is a wall of separation between State and religion, but this has never been the status of America, and would, in fact, be a bastardization of what America represents, what the Declaration of Independence represents, what the Constitution represents, and what historically the various Presidents of the United States have represented in both words as well as in actions. America is not a secular State, it never has been, and, in fact, a careful reading of the First Amendment makes it quite clear, that the government was by law not allowed to establish a religion and thereby to force a compulsory religion upon the people, for the protection of the people, so that the people, themselves, were allowed the right to freely exercise their religious beliefs as they best saw fit.
The Presidency represents the Executive branch of our government and is often seen as the symbol of America to not only its own people but to the world itself. This means that the words and beliefs of our President is of significant relevance especially to its citizens, so that a proper viewpoint of our Presidency must take into account the President's religious views and his beliefs as a de facto representation of the people themselves. When we look back at the Presidents of the United States, we find that every President, without exception, has professed his belief in the beneficence and providence of our God. President Washington stated in his First Inaugural Address, "…that the propitious smiles of Heaven, can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained." President Lincoln stated in his last public address of April 11, 1865, "The evacuation of Petersburg and Richmond, and the surrender of the principal insurgent army, give hope of a righteous and speedy peace whose joyous expression cannot be restrained. In the midst of this, however, He, from Whom all blessings flow, must not be forgotten." President Eisenhower upon accepting the Republican nomination in 1956 said: "Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith."
Each President of the United States has had a choice, to turn their back upon religion, and to impress upon the people themselves, that religion and religious belief have no part in America, yet none have done so. I submit that they have not done so for many reasons, such as that they have all recognized that America has been a nation blessed by God Himself, that a nation that denies its God, will destroy the very edifice which enables America to be great, and that a people that has no God, has no moral compass whatsoever.
The cries that we hear so often from the secular media and its apologists are the cry that America needs no God because we are all gods unto ourselves; that a nation without god means a nation of total freedom and of no oppression, when in fact, it would be a nation of no freedom and total oppression. The wise Founding Fathers and the Presidents of the United States recognized that in our belief in God, that we have wisely chosen the sole belief and surest foundation that will enable us to be set upon that hill and to become that beacon of light that not only will bring the light to our people, but will shine brightly throughout the entire world; whereas the denial or forsaking of our Creator, will bring abject misery, utter desolation, and total darkness to mankind