Within America there are many religious faiths, as well as factions of religious faiths, all keeping in accordance that per our Constitution, we are allowed the free exercise of religion according to our conscience. This means for the individual, that for the most part, our government allows us to worship in our way and in our time, as per our desire, but that does not mean, however, that within the faith of your religion, that those same conditions would apply. That is to say, for Jews, Christians, and Muslims, there are in most cases, obligations that the professed adherents must attend to or there will be consequences for having come short of those said obligations.
For instance, in the Jewish religion, depending upon the sect, you will be required to wear a head covering and to dress appropriately for the service in the synagogue, as well as recognizing that the Sabbath commences on Friday evening at sunset and concludes upon nightfall of Saturday night. During that time of Sabbath, certain activities such as conducting business or even driving your vehicle are prohibited, and during the Sabbath prayers are offered and encouraged, as well as the reading of the Torah.
In the Christian religion, depending upon the faith, the Sabbath day is recognized on Sunday, to which, according to your sect, attendance at your place of worship may be compulsory, as well as that the day should be given to the Lord as a time of contemplation, respect, and servitude, with any work or work-related activities held to either an absolute minimum or prohibited.
The Muslim faith does not recognize a Sabbath day, instead, depending upon the sect, most recognize that prayers are obligatory within their faith for every day of the week, and are set aside at certain specific times throughout the day. Further to this point, Muslims are literally called to prayer by the muezzin at those times of day, so as to make their way to either a mosque or a quiet place set aside for prayer wherever they may be at.
In each of these respective religions, depending upon the sect, there are specific rules and obligations that the faithful must adhere to, or else they will suffer some sort of banishment, punishment, admonishment, or be considered to be unclean, unworthy, or something similar in concept. This means, that for the believer, whether he is a true and faithful follower or not, one's religion can be such that you have relinquished your sovereignty of yourself to a designated power. While, it may be that the greatest service that you can do is to surrender to your faith, this does not necessarily mean that this is actually the right thing to do, because in actuality every religion at its core, is selling the story, that they, that their particular religion, knows God's word, for a certainty, and that your obligation is to follow those dictates, because they, the human representatives of God's word, know best.
The thing to remember, though, is that God has gifted each of us with our own mind, our own body, and our own soul. If we are so fortunate as to live in a country to which we can freely worship our Lord, without governmental obligation or interference, we would be wise to recognize that ceding that freedom to some other authority, one that indeed often has the audacity to claim rights to our eternity, is something that should not be done lightly.