History appears to be one of those subjects that often gets the short shrift and seems like a waste of time to many people, as too many of those that live in the present, fool themselves into believing that either "this time things are really different" or that the past has no real relevancy in regards to our current age. Additionally, when it comes to the structure and the running of our government, in general, a lot of people don't really care too much, figuring that there is nothing that they can actually do to effect change, as well as recognizing that their one vote won't ever amount to much. The thing is, despite the apathy of so many, as well as the devious desires of others, the purpose of our revolt in 1776 was clearly stated in our Declaration of Independence. Later, when our successful and bloody revolution was victorious, our thirteen separate States united behind a Constitution to govern its people, as a Republic. Our Constitution, clearly states in Article IV, Section 4, that: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government." Not only that, but our Founding Fathers, were enlightened and educated men, that knew the differences and the dangers of a Democracy as compared to a Republican form of government. Yet today, it is common to hear from media as well as pundits that we as Americans live in a Democratic nation.
While it is one thing to give all adults that have reached the age of eighteen, suffrage voting, that, in of itself, does not make for a Democracy in this country, it is at best, the allowing of all citizens an equal vote within their Constitutional Republic. At no time, should the equal access to the ballot box, mean anything more than an equal opportunity for people to vote for issues that are within the domain of its Constitution in the first place.
The fundamental flaw within a Democracy is the fact that when it is that the majority always rules, this places the majority in such a position as to oppress and to exploit the minority as well as to impress its viewpoints, unless the rule of law is so strong and secure as to somehow stand against the majority, or unless the Constitution is obeyed as the law of the land, or unless the judiciary as an independent branch of the government is able to strike down as "unlawful" the proposed rules by the majority. The main error that people make in believing that a Democracy is the fairest way to govern people, is ceding control of their unalienable rights granted to them by their Creator to governmental agencies and in essence, to mob rule.
Our Constitution was not created for factions, was not created for political parties, and was not created for privileged elite, but instead was created for the people and by the people, as a limited government, so as to secure to the people the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our Constitution does not guarantee to anyone, prosperity, health, employment, or wealth, nor was it ever intended to do so. Those that believe that the majority should rule will find in the end, no pot of gold, no freedom, and instead will have forged the chains of steel that will ultimately imprison them.