Smart Immigrants are like Gold / by kevin murray

The United States has all sorts of rules, restrictions, and laws dealing with the issue of immigrants to our country to which there are limitations and specific rules for immigrants in regards to their becoming temporary or permanent residents and, of course, exceptions to all the rules on record.  The upshot of all this bureaucratic red-tape is that the United States deliberately and as part of its government policy restricts legal, temporary, and residential immigration into our country.  While some people might consider our immigration policy to be both fair and even-handed, it is in fact, neither of those things, and instead easily fails into the category of stifling stupidity and wanton wastefulness.  The fact of the matter is that the United States spends an inordinate amount of time in litigation for intellectual property and the like, but dismisses out-of-hand the very people that would help to enrich this country, and by default, the world, simply because they have the indecency to have been born outside of our borders.


The United States should be grateful that so many people, of superior intellectual skill and astute abilities have a strong desire to immigrate here, or to at least, receive their higher education in the United States.  If anything, simply from a pure greed perspective and not even taking into account all the benefits that intelligent and motivated people bring to the table, the United States should be doing everything within its power to recruit the best and the brightest to our shores.  The bottom line is that the concept of labor is changing within America, to wit, that brawn has rapidly been replaced by brains, and this wholesale change will not soon revert back to brawn, if ever.  This means, that those of superior intellect should be exactly the people that we want within our borders, because this is the very need and desire that we are looking for.  


The United States has plenty of land, as well as being recognized worldwide as the industry leader in hi-technology and its associated fields, with also the highest quantity of top universities and research centers in the world, so it behooves America to recruit a team, that reflects the best that the world has to offer, without consideration as to the birthplace of said persons so qualified.  It is a given, that those that are both highly motivated as well as of superior intellect naturally gravitate to places and institutions that are best supportive as well as demonstratively best for the nurturing and development of their skills as opposed to simply be limited to the confines of their native country or community. 


The United States should be the sanctuary for all those that are desirable of taking their skill-set abroad and thereby sharpening their steel against the best steel that America has to offer, so that each friend and fellow associate sharpens the other.  America does not have the patent on being #1 in anything, because to be that, takes desire, resources, and renewal, to which all of these things mean that in order to constantly replenishour tree of liberty, necessitates our welcoming all who have America first in their heart.