The Freedom to be about Your Business / by kevin murray

America is a country founded on the principle, that each of us are born with inalienable rights, and further that the only legitimate government to answer to is one that is of the people, by the people, and for the people.  Those above sentiments are America at its finest, however in our modern culture and often in our big city life, the State has either inadvertently or deliberately loss sight of the purpose of their being, to wit, that the police force within cities is too often used as a cudgel to keep the people down, or to keep certain undesirable people down, or to intimidate certain people in particular, or to simply "bully" certain members of society.


The fact of the matter is that the average citizen in the course of his business is not particularly interested in interacting with any police force representative during his day-to-day activities, often not so much because he dislikes the police, in particular, but specifically because the police represent too often the frontlines of the State and how they can arbitrarily change everything, and I mean everything in regards to you as an individual, without really a moment's notice.  That is to say, you can be walking down the street, minding your own business, and be basically forced to compel with a police officer's demand to provide identification, explain your reason or purpose for being in that place at that time, and so on.  This can be a highly disturbing interaction for the citizen, no matter who they are, because the fundamental difference between a police officer and just another random person who while walking down the street asks you to stop or perhaps asks you a question about your identity, is that you can simply ignore basically anyone else, with the exception of the police officer.  If you ignore the police officer, or prove to be a difficult subject for the police officer, you will find that often, very quickly, that it is seldom wise to assert your Constitutional rights to be "secure in your own person", instead it is wiser to know that the better side of valor is to cooperate with the officer of the law.  The fundamental reason why you wish to cooperate with a police officer has often little or nothing to do with the law, and much to do with the fact that the police officer who is engaging with you has often the following with him: a handgun, a TASER, a baton, handcuffs, chemical spray, radio for backup, and a lot of discretion to use any or all of these items against you.  This means that anytime that you interact with a police officer, your life, as you know it, could change dramatically.


If, the above information is correct, and I do submit that it is, this means that for all practical purposes, that you as a citizen are not able to simply go about your business, certainly not in public, that, in fact, at any time, for any reason, you could be subject to being stopped by an agent of the State apparatus, and essentially have to identify yourself and your purpose, without question.  This signifies for all practical purpose that our freedom of movement is restricted by the State, especially and particularly for those who are not fortunate enough to fit within a certain choice demographic, so, in essence, freedom is not equally applied to all within America, and it never has been.