When it comes to name of Mary in the New Testament, it can become confusing as to which Mary the gospel is referring to in regards to certain passages, since we have so many, of which all of them are important. We have Mary -- the mother of Jesus, Mary -- the mother of James, the other Mary, Mary of Clopas, Mary -- the sister of Martha, Mary -- mother of Joses, and Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene is referred to in all four gospels in the New Testament, as well as having her own Gnostic book, known as the Gospel of Mary. At Christ's crucifixion, Mary Magdalene was present, as she was also present during his burial, and later it was that Mary Magdalene was first to discover that the tomb to which Jesus had been laid to rest was empty, and it was also Mary Magdalene that first encountered and recognized the risen Christ, and was spoken to by Him and spoke to Him who had risen. This makes Mary Magdalene a unique persona in the gospel of Christ, yet, her vital importance is tinged with the mistaken correlation that it was Mary Magdalene that had been a former prostitute, although there is nothing in the gospel that actually reflects this, in fact, In Luke 8:2, we read that Christ cast out "seven demons" from her, and that was that; still there are many that believe that she is also the person that anointed the Master's feet and was considered a sinner, although this person is clearly not Mary Magdalene.
It is quite unfortunate, that history has mistakenly painted Mary Magdalene as a former prostitute, because this supposed fact is simply not supported by the gospels, or by the apocryphal texts, or by anything of real substance. Because of Mary Magdalene's tainted reputation, her importance and her devotion, as well as the clear love and respect that Christ had for her, is lost, which is quite unfortunate, because unlike any of the chosen, it is Mary Magdalene that understands and truly comprehends the Master unlike any other. It is also Mary Magdalene that never once forsakes or turns away from Jesus, unlike Peter, who denies our Lord, not once, but thrice within the span of a few hours, to save his own skin, despite Peter having given his word to our Lord, that he would never forsake Him.
It is of utmost importance to recognize that it was Mary Magdalene, and no other, that was there both at Christ's physical death, as well as it was Mary Magdalene that first acknowledged the risen and glorified Christ and was instructed by the risen Christ to "…Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them…" (John 20:17). Further to this point, in the apocryphal Book of Mary, we read that: "Peter said to Mary, Sister we know that the Savior loved you more than the rest of woman. Tell us the words of the Savior which you remember which you know, but we do not, nor have we heard them. Mary answered and said, what is hidden from you I will proclaim to you." (Mary 5:5-7).
Mary Magdalene's actions and obedience while Christ was alive, and during the crucifixion of our Lord, as well as the glorious day of his resurrection, demonstrate that it was Mary Magdalene that best understood and was able to testify to the true meaning of the risen Christ; that true knowledge comes from Light and that this knowledge can never be destroyed, that it is our duty to proclaim the truth and the light, and further that there should never be fear of those that can kill the body, because we are not our body, we are the immortal soul, co-heirs to God almighty himself.