Eugenics and Sperm Donation / by kevin murray

Eugenics began its rise in the United States in the early 20th century, to which, many States manufactured laws that enabled compulsory sterilization of certain groups within their population such as Native American Indians, or people originating from certain Eastern European nations that were considered to be of "inferior stock" and so forth.  The pushback against Eugenics, began in the 1930s led by respected doctors and other professionals that recognized that Eugenics had more similarity with "pseudoscience" than actual science, and further that the proponents of Eugenics were utilizing the guise of "improving the human race" as the cover for their true desire, which was to reduce the population of certain groups of people through massive sterilizations that didn't fit into their mindset, so as to achieve their progressive social agenda, of reducing "misfits, delinquents, and the criminally inclined" which, in theory, would make for a more coherent, and successful American human race.  Later, Nazi Germany, demonstrated the insanity and the horrors of what Eugenics truly meant by their  mass sterilizations along with their mass exterminations of undesirables to obtain, what they thought would be a "master race",  shining light on the ugly lie of Eugenics and its true diabolical meaning.


Today, unfortunately, Eugenics is very much alive, but in a different guise and with a different shade of lipstick.  Eugenics is alive in America in two aspects, one is through legal abortion, to which, the poor and downtrodden are encouraged to kill their unborn children, essentially replicating the same effectiveness of sterilization, with the difference being rather than being compelled by law to do so, these impoverished people are encouraged to do so, for various economic as well as self-serving ones, convincing them that it is the right and the fair thing to do.  The second part of the equation, are the sperm banks that have been created within America, to which, the sperm donors, are classified and marketed as being, for instance, of a certain height, of a certain IQ, of a certain health, of a certain family background, of a certain psychological makeup, of a certain race, and a college graduate, to name the most prominent of the factors that make up mainstream sperm donation banks.


In essence, this is a form of selective breeding, as if humans should be bred amongst the lines that great breeds of cattle or horses are done, strictly through genetics, so as to obtain the best marbling, or the best runner, and so forth.  This type of sperm donation "science", is in essence, just another flavor of Eugenics, to which it is believed that certain characteristics of human beings can simply be bred from one person to another, if carefully screened for.  This is very bad science, and a very dangerous game, because it signifies in essence, that there is such a thing as desirable genes, and that there is such a thing as undesirable genes, and that, by definition, the State, or those acting under the aegis of the State, are the determinants of what those desirable genes are.  This means, that those that have desirable genes will be treated in a more favorable manner by State agencies than those that do not, which is inherently unequal and unfair, and the very opposite of what this country is purporting to represent.