While the desire for profit can be a virtue in the running and the establishment of a legitimate business, profit, or the lust for lucre, can be an extremely destructive human iniquity as witnessed by the Nazi treatment of prisoners and civilians specifically rounded up into concentration camps who were Jewish, gypsies, homosexual, habitual criminals, or others that were considered to be enemies of the State. Initially, as a matter of camp policy, inmates were utilized primarily as slave labor, to which their enforced labor would help to construct the very camps that imprisoned them as well as the manufacture of materials needed for the war effort. The German Schutzstaffel (SS), military agencies, and private contractors worked together to create contracts that would enforce and to implement the processes that would best exploit these resources for the Nazi State.
As you might imagine, any large grouping of peoples within a confined space, necessitates food, water, sanitation, shelter, security, and other measures to maintain the camp safely. All of the above also necessitates personnel, materials, labor, logistics, and money in order to efficiently operate and to successfully control a given concentration camp. Even within conditions to which the enforced labor is stolen and hence free of charge, does not mean necessarily that the camp itself will be able to turn a profit. In addition, people in authority have their own vices and their own greed to deal with which often may be at cross purposes to the desires of the State, to wit, it is quite easy for the thinking to change within a camp, so that the thinking transmutes into providing the very minimal services of nutrition and medical attention to the prisoners, as money not spent on them, can be converted to others in authority that wish to directly profit from it. Also, of course, if you have demonized the prisoners as being sub-human, not part of the master race, and in substance not worthy of your respect or civility, it is an easy step to treat them cruelly and inhumanly. Taking these things together it is not hard for those in power to think and to believe that if these prisoners have no future within the German State, and further if these prisoners are unable to profit the State alive, then perhaps there can be profit in their death.
When the prisoners first enter into camp they have clothes, jewelry, money, purses, wallets, luggage, coats, hair on their head, and sometimes gold in their teeth. All of these items have utility, and consequently in this very macabre way, there is profit to be made in the killing of prisoners in concentration camps, and that is why that once the decision had been made to exterminate prisoners, that it was done with real purpose and authority by the Nazis as the combination of seeing the victims as less than human, combined with the lure of money, convinced many that the business of killing was a good business indeed.
If, as part of your ethnic cleansing, you confiscate all property from one group of peoples, those that will benefit from that seizure will support it strongly, because they will profit from it, and further if by disposing of these people you can profit some more, it will be done, especially if all of this is accomplished as an implicit or explicit desire of the State. In short, unbounded profit as well as unbounded greed, exploits, maims, or kills people.