The Truth Shall Make You Free / by kevin murray

In John 8:31-32 we read: "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.Within this proclamation from the Christ, holds the answer to life's most important lesson, to wit, if you do not know the truth, if you do not know your purpose, if you do not know who you really are, if you are ignorant of where you came from and where you will go, you cannot hope to be able to impart knowledge, guidance, and wisdom to those that you come in contact with, at the highest possible level, nor will you be able to truly testify to Truth, itself.  This means, that for all of us, there is no more noble objective than to seek and to find Truth, and that by so doing, the scales of deception which clouds our very eyes, will fall off, and we will see the world, life, and meaning, as it really is.


If you are a student, a teacher, a businessman, a laborer, housewife, or whatever that it is that is your lot at this stage in life, you cannot hope to be master of it, unless you know the truth that is the foundation of it.  This means that for all of us, it behooves us, to first have the thirst to seek truth, and then to have the wisdom to accept it, and most importantly of all to then implement this knowledge.    This means that it isn't good enough to simply know truth, as John 8:32 does not state that knowing truth "will" make you free, but that knowing truth "shall" make you free, as long as you continue along the path of being in the word of Christ; which in essence means that you must do your part and remain on the right path, or you and truth will inevitably part ways.


Truth is not and cannot be relative.  Relatively lies in the field of physics and does not and never will apply to moral law.  There can only be one truth, and it is to that truth, that you shall be made free.  People that prefer to play word games in regards to how they claim to believe that truth is relative, depending upon, for instance, one's point of view, or your position perhaps at some point in time, only demonstrate their own ignorance of truth, as any time that truth appears to be contradicted, it basically means that you have not dug deep enough in finding the golden ring of absolute truth.


To be in the light of Truth, takes concentrated and committed effort, the guidance of those wiser than ourselves, and contemplative meditation.  God wants us to by our free volition to seek after Him, and as we do so, we will be drawn into a world beyond this material world, beyond time, beyond space, and beyond our physical being.  While the Truth has many aspects depending upon the face of the mountain that you climb, one thing you will instantly recognize upon seeing Truth itself, is that we are all spiritual beings encased into physical housing, further that the real you is the Spirit, not the physical, and when you truly recognize the importance of this discovery, it will be as if you are beginning to see things as they really are for the very first time.  "…One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see." (John 9:25)