Mankind likes to believe that progress is linear, that is to say, that each generation improves upon the previous generation, even though there are plenty of times when barbarians, for instance, have conquered more civilized nations, such as when the Visigoths and Vandals, amongst others, took control of essential parts of the Roman Empire. Progress is not always in a straight line, there are byways, detours, knowledge gained and knowledge loss or forgotten or forbidden, and those that believe that there is something new under the sun, apparently aren't familiar with or believe in Ecclesiastes 1:9: "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."
The great pyramid is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and it is the only one of these seven wonders that stands today. The sands of time and the unfortunate vandalism by Muslims have changed the face and therefore the finished look of the great pyramid in which upon the completion of its construction it once was covered with huge blocks of finely-grained polished white limestone which reflected the sun's light. However, these stones were apparently loosened after a 14th century earthquake and over time were then removed. The great pyramid is estimated to have over 2 million limestone blocks in its construction in which the weights of these range from two to up to fifty tons per block. The height of the pyramid as originally created is estimated at 480 feet, and the estimated total weight of the great pyramid is a staggering total of nearly 6 million tons. The great pyramid is also aligned at true north and it is located at the center of the land mass of earth.
Although most experts put the construction of the great pyramid at around 2560 BC, there are also estimates that date it thousands of years earlier. The great pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for nearly four thousand years (depending upon the dating of the great pyramid) until surpassed by the Lincoln Cathedral in England in 1311, and then by other cathedrals for a number of years, until these were all surpassed by our Washington Monument in 1884. Yet, despite all of our advances in technology, knowledge, wisdom, engineering, and application since the construction of the great pyramid, we would be very hard-pressed to build the pyramid today with the same limestone blocks and construction materials that this pyramid was created with.
Mankind comes up with all sorts of theories of quarries, levers, pulleys, ropes, ramps, and thousands upon thousands of workers that put the great pyramid together through incredible manual labor in conjunction with absolute precision and perfection. The theories that are put forth by most modern scientists for the creation of the great pyramid are utter bunk and laughable. The great pyramid was the greatest of the pyramids built in Egypt, but there are estimated to have been built about 118 pyramids. Additionally, this is not the only civilization to have built pyramids, as pyramids were built in China, Mexico, and Central America. How did so many civilizations have this great talent that appears to have vanished completely from time? The most sensible answer is that these civilizations were quite advanced and had the knowledge somehow to suspend gravity and thereby to levitate large objects. Remember, for every action there is a reaction. Gravity can be overcome and has been overcome, you can do it yourself, let drop from your hand a small metal object and gravity will take it to the floor, but produce from your pocket a magnet and this small metal object will defy gravity. As Sherlock Holmes says: "How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"