There is no historical or religious figure of more prominence, of more importance, than the One who is known as the Son of God. The Holy Scriptures prophesized about Him, to which his mission was fulfilled as Christ the Messiah as recorded in Scripture. Yet, we know almost nothing in Scripture concerning Jesus between the ages of 12-30, to which his very birth was recorded as of divine importance, and later his death, resurrection, and ascension to the right hand of His Father were too recorded, and history itself was transformed by His mission and His message.
In the New Testament, the last recorded record of Jesus, before His ministry began at age 30 is in Luke 2:41-47, "…. And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast….. And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers." Then, incredibly, we hear nothing directly about Jesus, His wisdom, His life, or His mission, between the ages of 12 through 30. The New Testament offers us no stories and no insight on Jesus during this crucial time in His life, which is astonishing. Many Biblical scholars take passages such as Luke 2:51-52, and Mark 6: 2-3, as proof positive that Jesus' wisdom and learning increased during this time as He worked as a carpenter in Joseph's shop, awaiting the time when God would call Him forth to carry out His supreme Mission on earth, but their arguments appear weak.
The above theory does not hold much water because great gifts, great missions, in any endeavor, must be developed over a period of time, through either great teachers or great mentors. I submit to you, that not even the Son of God can be the Son of God in human form, without first developing and drawing upon all the wisdom, experience, and training that is incumbent upon Him as God in flesh. Jesus and his great wisdom is no happenstance, it is indeed a path taken only by one devoted and dedicated to propagating the proposition that through Him we all are saved. Additionally, the absence of the discussion or the imparting of these critical years of development for Jesus, hints strongly that these passages in the life of Christ, were excised from Holy Scripture, in the mistaken belief that those that approved Biblical canon knew better what holy words should or should not be brought forth for the people and for man's wisdom and instruction.
Consequently, it is far more likely that during the ages of 12 through 30, that Jesus was instructed, trained, and guided by other Masters, or prophets, skilled in their knowledge of God and scripture, and certain in their recognition of Jesus' divine mission. It cannot be any other way, as it is the height of arrogance to believe that divinity, wisdom, and perfection, comes without sacrifice, humility, and a purity to accept and to replicate God into their very soul. Jesus could only be ready for His mission, when he was attuned to the Divine Presence that governs all life, which is signified with his baptism by John as we read in Matthew 3:16, "And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him."
In truth and in light, we may wish that we go to Heaven; instead it is fairer and truer to state that we grow to Heaven.