If you haven't found something worth dying for, then you probably haven't found the true meaning of life itself. The fact of the matter is that none of us gets out of here alive, in which all of us will suffer the death of our physical body, no matter how much we might not want to think about that process, or whether it will happen, or why it has to happen, it happens, to the good and to the bad, to the rich and to the poor, to the religious and the irreligious. Since the bell will indeed toll for everyone it behooves us to discover something worth dying for, because in finding that, we will probably discover why we are living here to begin with.
There may be some in which when put to the test, will state, that there is absolutely nothing that they would suffer death for. Perhaps they are very rich, or been bless with many pleasures in life, no doubt they are totally self-centered, egotistical, feel a certain invincibility, and are untouched in any way by pain or suffering. The problem for this type of person, is circumstances will change, in which they too will be put to the test at some point and unprepared for this experience, will be found wanting.
There are others that can hardly find a thing worth living for, never mind dying, in which their dejected lives are already defeated, deflated, hopeless, and filled with the hunger pangs of injustice. For these poor souls, they too often see a world of disappointment, hatred, violence, and pain, in which death is not treated as an unmitigated evil, it is seen more as a welcome reprieve, or even as a final celebration from the cords of our earthly life.
Most people, however, are in-between these two worlds, finding plenty of things to be happy and joyful for, and finding also plenty of things to feel sorrow and to be fearful of. Death for most of them, is a subject that isn't readily discussed, it's best avoided or put off to another day, a day therefore to which the can has been kicked down the road, but the road and that can keeps coming back into their field of view and nudging them to pay attention to it but they won't, because to do so will make them have to face themselves as they truly are and that confrontation must be avoided at all costs.
Still we are left with the fact that the true purpose of life is to find something worth dying for. Perhaps for some people they will be willing to suffer death for their children's sake, or for their parents, or for a true friend, of for a country, or for love of another, or love of God, or even to correct an injustice done to another. Each of us has a cross to bear, each of us must face that moment when we must relinquish our self from this earth, from this body, and from this time.
For those that have found that something worth dying for, than they are already prepared to meet their Maker, come what may, to them no bullet can steal their soul, no whip can take their spirit, and no madman can annihilate their true self. They are immortal, created by their Maker, and to Him they will return.