VIP Citizenship and the Masses / by kevin murray

While this is supposed to be a country of equality, in which the law and opportunity, is applied equally to all that is in actuality on every single level imagined a complete lie in America.  In fact, in America, now, more than at any time in its history, this is a country that separates the sheep from the goats.  There are subtle ways that those that are VIP citizens are treated differently simply by the fact that they live in areas of communities that provide them with better schools, better houses, better shopping, better "public" places, less crime, and policing forces that do not harass them, but rather are actually there to protect their property and persons.   Then there are those VIP citizens, which are on a completely different level than regular citizens, because they are privileged to have access to information, property, jobs, security clearance, or other pertinent things that the public is precluded from even knowing about or having access to information or transparency about on any sort of real-time actionable level.


There are clear dangers in dividing the population into those that know, and the vast majority which is not in the know, which basically means that certain people are privileged to know things, to decide on things, to do things, on behalf of the American people, whereas, the general public has to deal with the consequences of it, good or bad.  The easiest way for the government to lord it over the people, is to preclude the press or the public from knowing things that they have a right and need to know, all under the color of national security, or war, or basically by simply stamping as many documents and institutions as possible as subject to being classified as "confidential" or subject to stringent trespassing or access rules.  If the public isn't permitted to know what its government is doing, than what are we paying our taxes for and what are we fighting our wars for, if the public isn't permitted to know what is actually really going on?


Then there is the mass of land labeled as governmental property, in which, some privileged people are allowed to work, walk, and access such property, but the general public is restricted from accessing this very same governmental property and land.  While there may be legitimate reasons why access should be restricted under certain circumstances, for both security reasons and safety, that situation should be exception and not the rule, because this is, in theory, a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, and thereby not a government that serves a selected few of the people in privileged ways to the exclusion of the general public.


America claims that it needs the Transportation Service Administration (TSA) as utilized, for example, in airports, to secure us from enemy sabotage and safety, but as with any governmental program, there are exceptions to help and aid the privileged as opposed to regular citizens.  For instance, the whole purpose of TSA-Pre is so that those that are traveling and are "privileged" will have access to utilize an expedited and segregated security lane, thereby avoiding the masses, and reducing their time spent being treated as something that would infer that they were mere common citizens.


The more that any government, sets up classifications of citizens, in which some know all, some know some, and most know virtually none, than that government has betrayed its citizens by becoming a law unto itself, without justice, without equality, without fairness, without oversight, and without the blessing of our Supreme God.