The Government wants a Cashless Society / by kevin murray

Our Federal Reserve notes, which we commonly view as cash, or as dollars, state directly on the note: "this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private".  While that is the current condition for cash in America at the present time, there are powerful interests at the highest level of government that desire strongly that our need for cash should be shoveled into the dustbins of history.  There are, as always, good intentions for the government to want to take these steps, that is to say, reasonable reasons why a cashless society might be preferred, for instance, because of the convenience and reduced expense of electronic transactions or the reduction of fraudulent transactions being the most prominent amongst those reasons.


In addition, cashless societies, would by definition, be of far more benefit for those that live lives that are in conformity to what a given government would prefer, that is to say that they would exhibit these traits:  organization, consistent and tractable income, prefer convenience over privacy,  and embracement of technology in all of its many forms.  While that might be good for those that prefer these things, it would make far more sense to allow them that option to live their lives in that manner, and pretty much, through voluntary transactions made by individuals with entrepreneurs and other vendors, they at the present time are able to conduct their business with the minimal involvement of cash, and without the need of government fiat.


However, on the other hand, there is a wide swath of people that need or utilize cash on an everyday or near everyday basis.  These people, although not always, are technologically less knowledgeable, unorganized and inefficient, perhaps struggling day by day, to which, cash provides them the most appropriate tool to conduct their personal business, especially in certain transactions.  The thing about cash, which is rather obvious, is pretty much, cash is anonymous, as once it reaches your hands in whatever manner it gets there, you as a sovereign individual, can then determine where you want to spend or to utilize your cash.  Once, a government, or any entity for that manner, takes away your ability to manage your life and your money in a manner that you have personally chosen, and thereby limits your freedom of action, or supervises such; your freedom has been compromised.


It is one thing for people to voluntarily conduct their lives in such a manner that they barely utilize cash as opposed to other people that utilize cash, for whatever reasons, as a matter of course, as each has made a personal choice.  On the other hand, the taking away of the cash option, or the limiting of the cash option by a ceiling on money transactions, or the compulsion of showing State ID, and so forth, is just another way for the government to learn and monitor everything about you, whereas, you on the other hand, learn and monitor nothing about the government.


Currently, if you use a credit or debit card, every transaction that you make by those means is known, and if you have a regular job with auto-deposit into your checking account, every deposit made is known.  That knowledge is power, and that knowledge should just be your personal business, instead it is not, signifying that those that know where the money is at, can with the stroke of a pen create laws by fiat which will allow them to take or freeze your assets under certain conditions, and to thereby compromise, destroy, or eliminate those that have viewpoints or have taken actions not in conformity with State desires.