For To everyone that Has, More will be given / by kevin murray

In scripture we read in reference to the talents given to servants the following resolution in regards to those that took their talents and made more with it as compared to those that buried their talents in: "For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away." (Matthew 25:29).  While there are a multitude of ways of looking at this parable, perhaps one of them is seldom thought about, which is that each of us is given the talent of our particular physical body which no matter what we do or accomplish with our corporeal body, this body of ours, will eventually perish; whereas, each of us is also gifted with the talent of a boundless immortal soul, in which the ravishes of time will never tarnish or harm it, in any of its many aspects.  Yet, how many of us, spend inordinate amounts of time in service to and serving of our physical body, but ignore almost completely to our own eternal peril our indestructible, incorruptible soul?


God gives us free choice and free will, so that the decisions that we make on what to do, what to feed, what to concentrate our efforts upon, are up to us, as we are the responsible agents for our actions. Each person is truly free to choose, free to think, free to contemplate, and free to enact, because this has been gifted by our Creator to us.  Too few, however, recognize the great power that has been placed in their hands, and even those that do recognize such power, even fewer, know what to do constructively with it.


We have a body, but even the most ignorant man can see that the body remains not the same from day-to-day, that the body demands to be fed, requires rest, goes through stages, ages, and has other peculiarities from time-to-time that seem to override or run roughshod over the sensible mind.  This body of ours is really ours to control, it is ours to command, it is ours to utilize well, and therefore we are indeed its captain. The body has limitations, it is real, it has its purpose and its place, but these all are interrelated to the physical aspects of this material earthly plane, which is in actuality just a fragment, of the much, bigger whole.


Recognize first, that our body is material, that it is perishable, which signifies that the body cannot now nor could it ever be the alpha and the omega, for the body most definitely has a known beginning and it does have a known end.  This means, that those that devote their most vital resources in service to the body, or for their ego, for that matter, have wasted their talents for something that has no eternal value, believing incorrectly that what they see is what they are.  If you cannot harness your own body, your self-identification has become trapped in materiality and mired in the mud of finite existence.  This then signifies that your talents as gifted by God, are covered with the scales of delusion, and if you sincerely desire to multiple those talents you must first concentrate your mind and your soul upon that treasure that neither moth nor rust ever corrupts, or it will surely be taken away, as if forsaken.