Turn your Back on the Declaration of Independence to your own Peril / by kevin murray

While most Americans are familiar with our seminal founding document, the Declaration of Independence, most people do not understand the fundamental and guiding principle behind the document, as the document, is much more than men simply declaring their independence, as a careful reading of it indicates that our Founding Fathers believed that their appeal for independence was as witnessed by the last paragraph of the document an appeal by men to our Creator, "We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions…"  Yet, we now live in a country in which day-by-day, a significant part of the most powerful interests of the establishment, the most powerful interests of the military, the most powerful interests of justice, the most powerful interests of industry, together are determined to tear asunder our people's connection to God, and pretend that not only is this presently a secular nation, but it was created at its formation as a secular nation.


In point of fact, whether you wish to call those that push relentlessly for this secular state: treasonous, misguided, ignorant, or whatever, it is they that are in the driver's seat, and it is they that spit in the face of God, to which, our Bible admonishes us:  "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." (Psalm 9:17).  If, we as a people allow those that are the leaders and power brokers of this country to continue along its present course, then this country will as all other countries before it have done, collapse, because its legitimacy has been torn asunder from the very grace of God.


Be that as it may, Abraham Lincoln, our greatest President, recognized that the Declaration of Independence was the essence of America, and stated in 1858 in Lewistown, Illinois, "… come back to the truths that are in the Declaration of Independence."    Lincoln was nobody's fool, gifted with a mind that never could rest in the sea of lies, deceit, hypocrisy, or pretense, for he was instead an unparalleled leader during the most perilous of times, who worked within the Constitution, who worked from the Declaration of Independence, so that America would have a new birth of freedom, and such freedom could only be eternal and forever binding if it was seen as it properly should be seen as both unalienable and gifted to us by our Creator, if only we were able to hold true our course and our purpose.


Today we live in a country that feels too often that mere lip service to God is good enough, that mere acknowledgement to those that founded this country is good enough, that mere half-hearted thankfulness for Lincoln that kept and solidified this great nation at the time when brother fought against brother, so that all would eventually be truly united as brothers, has too often been negated by today's lust for pleasure, today's selfishness, today's ruthlessness, exploitation, and deception toward other nations and peoples, today's lack of character and rectitude, all in service to today's god, which is mammon in all of its various forms and disguises.


The country that was created at the time of our Declaration of Independence is being eroded not from outside elements, but from the enemy within.  The bloody battles that were fought at our foundation and at our separation were fought so that those that gave their lives for their nation would enable that nation, under God, to live.  These noble dead have done their part, our founding fathers have done their part, great men of our civil war have done their part, those of the greatest generation have done their part, it is to those that are of the living that must so determine to dedicate their lives to the unfinished work of their part so that under God, this nation will have a renewed birth of freedom, in recognition that all are created equal, that all have unalienable rights, and that all are entitled to the golden door of liberty as sanctioned by the light of our Most High and Righteous God.