The internet is ubiquitous with pornography, and the internet appears to be the preferred method for viewing and procuring porn because of the variety available, its anonymity, and the accessibility of all particular genres. How much money is made off of porn, how big a business is porn, and how porn is doing in the internet age are questions that are difficult to answer since the vast majority of adult entertainment companies are privately held but estimates range for the entire pornography enterprise of pay-per-view, video sales and rentals, internet sales and rentals, print media, and audio media to be in the range of $2 to $6 billion per year. (Estimates of porn revenues vary so widely and the methodology to come up with the estimates aren't consistent that any number generated is somewhat suspect.)
What isn't in doubt is that the real money to be made in porn is not on the acting end but on the production and distribution end. Porn performers are non-unionized, typically receive no residual pay, no health insurance, and are often free lance with many having no agent representation and therefore are on their own when it comes to making a financial deal with the producer.
While I won't argue the point that an adult owns their own body and therefore should have the right to do with their body what they will, porn presents an unique problem that should be addressed, which is, for how long shall any performer continue to have their images sold and resold in which this particular performer is receiving no further monetary compensation. The quick answer is that their contract stipulates the rules and therefore that is just the way that it is, but I find this to be quite unacceptable. The question is one of how long any porn performer for a one-time payment should have to see their image reproduced time after time after time, in which that said performer would prefer to opt out. I believe that time span should be seven years from the date the media was first available for sale. Obviously, you cannot create an ex-post facto law, so all porn created before this law came into effect, would effectively become dated as of the date of the law itself.
The advantage of the law would be it would allow all porn performers to by default opt out of seeing their images portrayed again and again ad nauseam. Seven years is a very long time for producers of porn to make their money and then some. However, if all performers agree at the end of seven years that they wish to continue with that particular media distribution, a contract with the necessary signatures could be drawn up and the deal would then become valid for an additional seven years. This does mean that if one or more performers do not agree or will not re-up, that the media will then either have to be shelved, pending future negotiations, or edited to take these actor(s) out.
The bottom line is pornography is not a wholesome business and people's lives change and those that were once a part of the business for a day or for many years should be allowed the dignity to walk away from it and thereby not be haunted or harmed by images from yesteryear. Snapchat has the basic concept right, there should be a self-delete button automatically generated and this should be implemented within porn.